  • QualiQuanti, institut d'études et conseil aux marques

    Created in 1990
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,864 1,161
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    12 bis Rue Desaix, 75015 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 11

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Eclairer marques et médias par des études inspirantes, des méthodologies innovantes et de la recherche

    Created in 1990, QualiQuanti is a market studies institute with a generalist approach, mixing both qualitative and quantitative techniques to obtain results that are realistic have a real added-value and are easy to implement.

    Qualiquanti is passionate about understanding our clients'​ needs and is dedicated to performing customized quantitative and qualitative market research that delivers actionable information and drives effective business and organizational decision-making.

    The specificities of QualiQuanti are the following :

    1. A strong qualitative culture, which allows for in-depth studies and a strong reactivity.

    2. An up-to-date approach of quantitative studies, with more open questionnaires which enable us to take into account the diversity and subtleties of the responses.

    3. A valuable experience of Internet studies, since their emergence on the French market, thanks to the TestConso.fr, created in 2000.

    4. Mastery of innovative techniques (Internet, photo, video, experts, semiology, tendances, etc.).

    5. A great know-how in conducting research and development studies with a creative objective..

    6. The ability to conduct international studies in Europe and the United States.

    Market research semiology consumer panel online survey bulletin board focus group NTIC brand content, Brand content, Brand Culture, Product content, market research, and Big Quali

  • Original language

    Creative Intelligence

    Créé en 1990, QualiQuanti propose une approche enrichie des études, le Big Quali.

    Notre conviction : pour comprendre une marque ou un univers, il faut une diversité de focales d'analyse, une multiplicité de données qualitatives issues des consommateurs et de la veille à grande échelle. Pour en savoir plus voir le blog https://bigquali.com/

    QualiQuanti revendique une approche des études :
    Ambitieuse : axée sur la recherche.
    À grande échelle : une masse critique de cas associant vision panoramique et zooms.
    Profonde : avec un prisme culturel.
    Complète : une expérience consommateur à 360° ainsi que plusieurs facettes de la marque et du marché.
    Efficace : dispositifs puissants mais à taille humaine, intuitifs, dans des délais rapides.
    Inspirante et accessible : des résultats clairs avec des livrables illustrés.

    QualiQuanti est connu comme pionnier sur des thèmes comme le brand content, la brand culture, le product content, le gender marketing.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Events Services
Events Services

20 Jun 2024

Banque des Territoires Banque des Territoires
Bank, Banking
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

17 May 2022

Consumer Electronics, Retail
Consumer Electronics, Retail

29 Jun 2021

Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail

8 Mar 2016

Similar entities
Social network dynamics