  • DIVA Expertise

    Created in 2015
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

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  • Entity types

  • Location

    Toulouse, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 5


  • Engaged corporates

    1 3
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] DEEP INNOVATION we adipose tissue.
    Research partner from the cell to Humans

    DIVA. Expertise is a scientific research consulting, strategy and development company in the fields of Health, Nutrition, Cosmetics and Aesthetics.

    Its objectives are to support manufacturers in the structuring, organization and development of their research in order to optimize costs, deadlines and results. Personalized support from our experts boosts the R&D process of a product by promoting Creativity, Innovation and Collaboration.

    Its core expertise is focused on the biology of so-called adipose tissue, recognized as an endocrine organ with a fundamental and central role in general homeostasis.

    The sharing of skills, scientific and human values ​​is at the origin of the creation of the D.I.V.A. team. Expertise.

    At the interface of four academic, industrial, medical and surgical worlds, D.I.V.A. Expertise has created a network bringing together multidisciplinary and internationally renowned experts for which it is responsible for leading and coordinating.

    DIVA. Expertise (Development, Innovation, Valorization, Action in research)
    Together, Let’s Beautify Research

    For more information, visit our website: www.diva-expertise.com
    To contact us, write to us: contact@diva-expertise.com

    Personalized advice, Development and promotion of Research, Adipose tissues, Nutrition, Aesthetics, Cosmetics, and Objectification

  • Original language

    DEEP INNOVATION on adipose tissue.
    Research partner from the cell to Humans

    D.I.V.A. Expertise est une société de conseil, de stratégie et de développement en recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la Santé, de la Nutrition, de la Cosmétique et de l’Esthétique.

    Ses objectifs sont de soutenir les industriels dans la structuration, l’organisation et le développement de leur recherche afin d’optimiser ses coûts, délais et résultats. L’accompagnement personnalisé par nos experts dynamise le processus R&D d’un produit en promouvant Créativité, Innovation et Collaboration.

    Son cœur d’expertise est ciblé sur la biologie du tissu graisseux dit adipeux, reconnu comme organe endocrine avec un rôle fondamental et central sur l’homéostasie générale.

    Le partage de compétences, de valeurs scientifiques et humaines est à l’origine de la constitution de l’équipe de D.I.V.A. Expertise.

    A l’interface de quatre mondes Académique, Industriel, Médical et Chirurgical, D.I.V.A. Expertise a créé un réseau regroupant des experts multidisciplinaires et de renommée internationale dont elle assure l’animation et la coordination.

    D.I.V.A. Expertise (Développement, Innovation, Valorisation, Action en recherche)
    Ensemble, Embellissons la Recherche

    Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site : www.diva-expertise.com
    Pour nous contacter, écrivez-nous : contact@diva-expertise.com

    Conseil personnalisé, Développement et valorisation de la Recherche, Tissus adipeux, Nutrition, Esthétique, Cosmétique, and Objectivation

  • DIVA Expertise: Preclinical CRO specialized in adipocytes biology and adipose tissue metabolism

    Preclinical CRO- Applied research and Assays on Human Adipose tissue; Tests on Adipocytes , Hypoderm Models (anti-aging, scare, skin fibrosis, Obesity models (Diabetes, slimming, cellulis)[:] CRO human adipose tissue, Test laboratory adipocytes, fat tissue, human fat tissue

  • https://www.diva-expertise.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research

24 May 2024

UPM - The Biofore Company
UPM - The Biofore Company
Advertising, Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing
UPM - The Biofore Company
Advertising, Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing

31 Oct 2023

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
National and local authorities, Government Administration
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
National and local authorities, Government Administration

24 Oct 2023

Cosmetic Valley
Cosmetic Valley
Cosmetics, Public business cluster, French Cluster, Personal Care Product Manufacturing
Cosmetic Valley
Cosmetics, Public business cluster, French Cluster, Personal Care Product Manufacturing

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