  • topics

    Created in 2018
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    15,334 121 3,406
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    39 Rue Mstislav Rostropovitch, 75017 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 33


  • Engaged corporates

    5 26
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Strategic and operational support for internal transformations

    Strategic and operational support for transformations

    Since 2018, topics have supported their customers in the main stages of their transformation. Centered on the human and HR component of these transformations, Topics brings a strategic vision as much as operational support.
    Around him and his team, Bruno Mettling brought together a high -added ecosystem: nearly 80 independent experts, partners and a network of startups specializing in HR technologies. This agile organization makes it possible to effectively approach the complex challenges linked to the internal transformations of companies. Topic experts are distinguished by their significant experience in business, having held demanding management positions. Among them are former human resources directors, transformation directors, financial directors, as well as people who have held operational management positions.

    Internal transformation, social dialogue, digital transformation, human capital, restructuring, social relations, HR strategy, HR advice, transformations management, change management, advice to managers, commitment, design thinking, agile methods, internal mobilization, skills, training, brand employer, leadership, culture, AI, coaching, assessment, and transition management

  • Original language

    Appui stratégique et opérationnel des transformations internes

    Appui stratégique et opérationnel des transformations

    Depuis 2018, les équipes de topics accompagnent leurs clients dans les grandes étapes de leur transformation. Centré sur le volet humain et RH de ces transformations, topics apporte une vision stratégique autant qu’un soutien opérationnel.
    Autour de lui et son équipe, Bruno Mettling a réuni un écosystème à forte valeur ajoutée : près de 80 experts indépendants, des partenaires et un réseau de startups spécialisées dans les technologies RH. Cette organisation agile permet d'aborder efficacement les défis complexes liés aux transformations internes des entreprises. Les experts de topics se distinguent par leur expérience significative en entreprise, ayant occupé des postes de direction exigeants. Parmi eux, on trouve d'anciens directeurs des ressources humaines, directeurs de la transformation, directeurs financiers, ainsi que des personnes ayant occupé des postes de direction opérationnelle.

    Transformation interne, Dialogue social, Transformation digitale, Capital humain, Restructuration, Relations sociales, Stratégie RH, Conseil RH, Pilotage des transformations, Change management, Conseil aux dirigeants, Engagement, Design thinking, Méthodes agiles, Mobilisation interne, compétences, formation, marque employeur, leadership, Culture, IA, coaching, assessment, and management de transition

  • Cabinet de conseil d'experts RH entreprises - topics

    L'ADN de topics : apporter un appui stratégique et opérationnel des grandes transformations (RH) en entreprises.

  • https://www.topicsconseil.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
La Mutuelle Générale
La Mutuelle Générale
Insurance, Health, Mutual insurance
La Mutuelle Générale
Insurance, Health, Mutual insurance
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

1 Apr 2021

22 Dec 2022

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