  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Junior-Enterprise of emlyon since 1972, certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14 001. Top 3 🇫🇷 in volume of activity.

    Emlyon junior conseil is the Junior-Enterprise of emlyon business school, a management school in Lyon. Composed of 20 students from the Grande Ecole Program, emlyon junior conseil provides consulting services to companies in the RhĂ´ne-Alpes region, France and Europe in the fields of marketing, communication and business creation. Member of the National Confederation of Junior-Enterprises, certified ISO 9001 since 1999 by Bureau Veritas, emlyon junior conseil is regularly among the Top 30 of the most successful junior-enterprises in France.
    Its turnover is more than 930k euros.

    Customer satisfaction, quality of services provided and responsiveness are the watchwords of our junior company.

    Market research, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Business Plan, Satisfaction studies, and Finance

  • Original language

    Junior-Entreprise de l'emlyon depuis 1972, certifiée ISO 9001 et ISO 14 001. Top 3 🇫🇷 en volume d'activité.

    Emlyon junior conseil est la Junior-Entreprise d'emlyon business school, école de management de Lyon. Composée de 20 étudiants du Programme Grande Ecole, emlyon junior conseil fournit des prestations de conseil aux entreprises de la région Rhône-Alpes, de France et d'Europe dans les domaines du marketing, de la communication et de la création d'entreprise. Membre de la Confédération Nationale des Junior-Entreprises, certifiée ISO 9001 depuis 1999 par le Bureau Veritas, emlyon junior conseil fait régulièrement partie du Top 30 des junior-entreprises les plus performantes de France.
    Son chiffre d'affaire est de plus de 930k euros.

    Satisfaction client, qualité des prestations fournies et réactivité sont les mots d'ordre de notre junior-entreprise.

    Etudes de marché, Entrepreneuriat, Communication, Business Plan, Etudes de satisfaction, and Finance

  • Emlyon Junior Conseil - L'esprit d'entreprendre

    Emlyon junior conseil met au service de ses clients son expérience et ses compétences en marketing, communication, entrepreneuriat et finance.

  • https://emlyonjuniorconseil.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
National and local authorities, Government Administration
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

26 Nov 2015

National and local authorities, Government Administration, French metropolis
National and local authorities, Government Administration, French metropolis
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

11 Jun 2014

La Tribune
La Tribune
Media, Newspapers
La Tribune
Media, Newspapers
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

2 Oct 2014

Media, Newspaper Publishing
Media, Newspaper Publishing

2 Aug 2014

Le Figaro
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

22 Feb 2017

Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble
Cosmetics, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing
Procter & Gamble
Cosmetics, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing
Not capitalistic

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