Social networks
2,587 1,268 27,373Entity types
Rådhuspladsen 37, 1785 København, Denmark
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 15
Engaged corporates
7Added in Motherbase
4 years, 9 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Denmark's leading business media about the financial sector.
FinansWatch delivers credible, independent and current news about companies and people in the financial sector.
FinansWatch covers big and small stories when they break, gets the quick comments and writes the in-depth articles. We write about banks, pension funds, insurance companies, mortgage banks, asset managers and follow the frequent political and regulatory movements.
We believe that the best journalism is done by people who know what they are writing about. And our ambition is to deliver independent, critical and fair financial journalism – every single day.
Since we have ambitions to deliver quality journalism, a subscription is required to read some of the articles on FinansWatch. Read more on our website if your company wants a subscription to FinansWatch.
Independent, critical and fair financial journalism and journalism about banks, pension funds, insurance companies, mortgage banks and asset managers
Danmarks førende erhvervsmedie om finanssektoren.
FinansWatch leverer troværdige, uafhængige og aktuelle nyheder om virksomheder og personer i den finansielle sektor.
FinansWatch dækker store og små historier, når de breaker, indhenter de hurtige kommentarer og laver de dybdegående artikler. Vi skriver om pengeinstitutter, pensionskasser, forsikringsselskaber, realkreditinstitutter, kapitalforvaltere samt følger de hyppige politiske og regulative bevægelser.
Vi tror på, at den bedste journalistik bliver lavet af folk, der ved, hvad de skriver om. Og vores ambition er at levere uafhængig, kritisk og fair finansjournalistik – hver eneste dag.
Da vi har ambitioner om at levere kvalitetsjournalistik, kræver det abonnement at læse en del af artiklerne på FinansWatch. Læs mere på vores hjemmeside, hvis din virksomhed ønsker et abonnement på FinansWatch.
Uafhængig, kritisk og fair finansjournalistik and journalistik om pengeinstitutter, pensionskasser, forsikringsselskaber, realkreditinstitutter og kapitalforvaltere
Finansnyheder om banker, forsikringsselskaber, pensionskasser og realkredit - FinansWatch
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
PwC Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting | PwC Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 3 Sep 2024 | | |
EY Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting | EY Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 3 Sep 2024 | | |
Deloitte Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services | Deloitte Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services | Other 3 Sep 2024 | | |
Visa Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting | Visa Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 24 Jul 2023 | | |
Apple Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | Apple Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | Other 12 Feb 2018 | | |
Mastercard Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting | Mastercard Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 25 Feb 2019 24 Jul 2023 | | |
IBM IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting | IBM IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting | Other 22 Nov 2019 | |