  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Experimentarium is the whole of Denmark's science center, where children and adults, schools and companies can experience fun science.

    Experimentarium is all of Denmark's science center. We have been thought provoking since 1991, together with millions of curious children and adults, we have explored and played with science.

    The Experimentarium is a world-class science centre, and in 2018 the Experimentarium was named one of the world's 100 most innovative places by Time Magazine.

    Experimentarium offers families with children, schools and institutions plenty of opportunities to explore and play with natural science, thus offering learning like nowhere else.

    Experimentarium also offers team building and events for companies and perhaps Denmark's most inspiring quirky and innovative meeting facilities.

    We have one of Denmark's funniest stores with fun science products, books, gadgets and delicious design for curious and playful quality-conscious people of all ages. Also check out our well-stocked, ehandels-branded webshop at https://shop.experimentarium.dk.

    Experimentarium has free locker space, a cozy dining area and in our packed lunch areas you can eat your own food.

    Science, Science, Soap bubbles, Soap bubbles, Science shows, Kids, Children, Families, Families with children, Inventions, Technology, Innovation, Natural science, Light, Phenomena, Physics, Mathematics, Experiences, and Families with children

  • Original language

    Experimentarium er hele Danmarks science center, hvor børn og voksne, skoler og virksomheder kan opleve sjov videnskab.

    Experimentarium er hele Danmarks science center. Vi har været tankevækkende har siden 1991 sammen med millioner af nysgerrige børn og voksne udforsket og leget med videnskaben.

    Experimentarium er et science center i verdensklasse, og i 2018 blev Experimentarium kåret som et af verdens 100 mest innovative steder af Time Magazine.

    Experimentarium tilbyder børnefamilier, skoler og institutioner masser af muligheder for at gå på opdagelse og lege med naturvidenskaben, og tilbyder dermed læring som ingen andre steder.

    Experimentarium tilbyder også teambuilding og events for virksomheder og Danmarks måske mest inspirerende finurlige og innovative mødefaciliteter.

    Vi har en af Danmarks sjoveste butikker med sjove science-produkter, bøger, gadgets og lækkert design for nysgerrige og legesyge kvalitetsbevidste i alle aldre. Tjek også vores velassorterede, ehandels-mærkede webshop på https://shop.experimentarium.dk.

    Experimentarium har gratis skabsplads, et hyggeligt spisested og i vores madpakkeområder kan du indtage din medbragte mad.

    Science, Videnskab, Sæbebobler, Soap bubbles, Science shows, Kids, Børn, Familier, Børnefamilier, Opfindelser, Teknologi, Innovation, Naturvidenskab, Lys, Fænomener, Fysik, Matematik, Oplevelser, and Børnefamilier

  • Experimentarium - Hele Danmarks science center - Forside

    Experimentarium er hele Danmarks science center. Vi har været tankevækkende siden 1991 og udforsket verden gennem naturvidenskab og teknologi.

  • https://www.experimentarium.dk/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
United Nations
United Nations
International development, International Affairs
United Nations
International development, International Affairs

13 Jun 2024

Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

31 May 2023

Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

24 Apr 2018

European Commission
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services
European Commission
European Union, Environmental Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

5 Oct 2022

European Space Agency - ESA
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

13 Jan 2014

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