  • Value proposition

    Ensuring no two aircraft ever collide mid-air.

    Iris Automation is dedicated to creating an aviation environment where no two aircraft ever collide mid-air. We leverage innovative AI-based vision technology that enables uncrewed and crewed aircraft to mitigate the risk of airborne collisions - vital for safe, scalable, and efficient operations across countless industries. Iris’ onboard and ground-based Casia systems give operators the reliability needed to safely navigate an increasingly complex and congested airspace. We work closely with civil aviation authorities globally as they implement regulatory frameworks to advance safety and efficiency in aviation.

    Computer Vision, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Sense and Avoid, aviation, UAV, UAS, Commercial, Technology, Detect and avoid, and Drone

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consumer Technology Association
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

6 Dec 2021

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