  • Value proposition

    Acheter en direct des producteurs, tout le monde s’y retrouve.

    The Food Assembly team developing our platform and coordinating the network now comprises over 80 people in various cities including Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona and Turin.

    The Food Assembly combines cultures of social entrepreneurship and digital innovation to offer a single model for start-ups with a high social impact. Each of the 700 Assemblies can promote projects independently while taking a collective approach. All these local initiatives sketch out the shape of a new economy that is fairer and more collaborative.

    We are working alongside them, and with that same energy, to nurture our network as it grows and progresses.

    Working at The Food Assembly is a rewarding experience, you get to be a part of a great community of workers all creating and building on an equal vision.

    What you will find at The Food Assembly:

    A project that reconnects people with their food
    A vision that focuses on valuing local producer and supporting the development of a connected economy
    An innovative concept of collaborative consumption
    The passion and dynamism of a growing team supported by the enthusiasm of our network

    We look for talented developers, designers, product owners who aim to change the way food is distributed

    Distribution, Collaborative economy, Technology, Digital innovation, Network of entrepreneurs, Logistics, and Social Business

  • Original language

    Acheter en direct des producteurs, tout le monde s’y retrouve.

    Le 21 septembre 2011, la première Ruche ouvrait les portes de sa distribution. C’était au Fauga dans la banlieue de Toulouse. Gourmands, voisins, amis et curieux ont poussé le portail d’Odile pour récupérer les produits qu’ils avaient commandés sur le site...
    Puis il y eut Paris, Strasbourg, Royan, Bordeaux, Tours, Caen, Nîmes, Rennes, Lyon....
    Au fil des mois, les Ruches ont essaimé un peu partout en Europe pour atteindre un réseau de plus de 1500 Ruches aujourd’hui.

    Contactez-nous à emploi@lrqdo.fr

  • La Ruche qui dit Oui!-Produits Locaux en Circuit Court

    Réseau de communautés d'achat direct aux producteurs locaux. Fruits, Légumes, Viande, Produits Laitiers... Venez découvrir les bons produits fermiers de votre région dans la Ruche la plus proche.

  • https://laruchequiditoui.fr/fr
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Business France
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration

6 May 2016

B Lab B Lab

15 Oct 2022

Finance, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Finance, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

28 Sep 2023

Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire
Government Administration

30 Apr 2022

La Ruche®️
La Ruche®️
Business Consulting and Services
La Ruche®️
Business Consulting and Services

7 Dec 2012

Office français de la biodiversité Office français de la biodiversité
Environmental Services

23 Oct 2022

Media, Newspaper Publishing
Media, Newspaper Publishing

25 Sep 2015

Real Estate, Software Development
Real Estate, Software Development

23 Feb 2015

Région Pays de la Loire
Région Pays de la Loire
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Pays de la Loire
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National and local authorities, Government Administration
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