  • KS Consulting & Capital

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
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    1,836 83
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    Pittsburgh, PA, USA


    United States of America

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    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 3

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  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    Marketing consulting and angel investing, with a focus on women

    Women drive 80% of consumer purchasing decisions, yet many brands and companies struggle to earn their attention. Women-run businesses outperform their peers, yet have difficulty securing funding. Gender parity on corporate boards is a hot topic, yet many still don't include women.

    With traditional marketing communications either too expensive or not effective and women’s lack of trust in brands, influencer marketing is quickly becoming the go-to approach to successfully resonate with women. As Chief InfluenceHer, Kelley Skoloda connects brands to their female consumers, angel investors to female entrepreneurs and boards to a female perspective.

    Kelley has lived and breathed the world of earning attention among women and moms for more than two decades as a former Partner and SME at Ketchum. She's an influential voice on marketing-to-women from the stage to the page. An early-adopter, she wrote the book, Too Busy to Shop: Marketing to Multi-Minding Women. From Cannes to Canada and China to Costa Rica, Kelley's global experiences have enabled her to collect best practices and apply them to your challenges.

    As a founding member and co-chair of the Investment Committee at the Next Act Fund, she's expanded her focus to include investing in female entrepreneurs, go-to-market strategy with female consumers, and board of directors responsibilities.

    From pitch and program consulting to serving as a CMO in Residence, Kelley works with brand marketers, companies, entrepreneurs, investors, and boards to understand female influencer territory by creating the right strategy, partners, and content. She can leverage her vast network of cool influencers and relationships with hot agencies, iconic brands, and emerging start-ups.

    Do you want your brand, business, or board to do a better job of connecting with, influencing, or including women?

    Set up a discovery call with Kelley Skoloda today.

    marketing to women and moms, influencer marketing, go-to-market strategy, angel investor, CMO in Residence, Interim Marketing Executive, board member, media resource, and pitch and program consulting

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Mar 2015

American Airlines
American Airlines
Transport, Airlines and Aviation
American Airlines
Transport, Airlines and Aviation

1 Mar 2019

United Airlines
United Airlines
Transport, Airlines and Aviation
United Airlines
Transport, Airlines and Aviation
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Mar 2015

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