  • TeesT Culinaire Cursussen

    Created in 2003
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    3,518 64
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    3404 IJsselstein, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Know more
    Can do more
    Do more

    A cooking or wine course is guaranteed to be the fastest way to grow in your profession or hobby.

    With us, you will learn cooking techniques and theory that you can put into practice the next day. Chef and oenologist Robert Verweij and culinary colleagues have been providing culinary training, cooking courses and wine courses for more than 23 years.

    Robert is also active as a speaker at SpeakersAcademy.

    Wine, food, education, promotion, media, and speaker

  • Original language

    Méér weten
    Méér kunnen
    Méér doen

    Een kookcursus of wijncursus volgen is gegarandeerd de snelste manier om door te groeien in je vak of hobby.

    Je leert bij ons kooktechnieken en theorie die je de volgende dag in de praktijk kunt gebruiken. Chefkok en vinoloog Robert Verweij en culinaire collega's verzorgen al meer dan 23 jaar culinaire opleidingen, kookcursussen en wijncursussen.

    Robert is tevens actief als spreker bij SpeakersAcademy.

    Wine, food, education, promotion, media, and speaker

  • Wij geven al 21 jaar veel kookcursussen en wijncursussen

    Na 1 van onze 23 kookcursussen en wijncursussen kun je echt goed koken en wijn proeven! Groenten, vlees, sous vide koken, brood bakken, pizza bakken, pasta maken en cursussen over thee, kaas, sous fermenteren. Wijncursus in 7 smaken voor je zoals SDEN 1, 2, 3 en wijn & spijs combineren.

  • https://www.teest.nl/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
National and local authorities, Government Administration
National and local authorities, Government Administration

27 May 2016

Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering
Consulting, Information Technology and Services
Capgemini Engineering
Consulting, Information Technology and Services

27 Apr 2015

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Social network dynamics