  • Value proposition

    Expanding access to technology jobs and sharing knowledge thru informal meetups, hackathons, and global CTO roundtables

    TechDebates is dedicated to expanding access to technology jobs and empowering communities around the world by sharing technical knowledge, success stories, experiences, and ideas from successful technology companies and accomplished technologists. Join us at an upcoming event.

    Regular technology roundtables, hackathons, and debate events are hosted in cities around the world every month. As a global community of technologists, TechDebates provide an unparalleled, fully qualified networking opportunity to initiate and develop relationships with job hunters, developers, hiring managers, and consultants.

    The events are truly global and run in all regions of the world.

    information technology, software, software development, remote teams, agile development, devops, company culture, technology, techevents, tech jobs, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and product marketing

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

28 Mar 2019

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