  • Value proposition

    The official FrenchPitch events for FrenchTech startups looking to develop internationally in the US and elsewhere. We host a monthly English-language startup networking meetup in Paris, regular elevator pitch events in Paris, at CES and SXSW and various networking and promotional events to help FrenchTech startups with their International/US press and investor visibility.

    Organised by APTFI (Association de Promotion des Technologies Françaises à l'International), a French non-profit association that promotes French startups internationally.

    Startups, FrenchTech, Elevator Pitch, International Business Development, Networking, and Startup Events

  • Original language

    The official FrenchPitch events for FrenchTech startups looking to develop internationally in the US and elsewhere. We host a monthly English-language startup networking meetup in Paris, regular elevator pitch events in Paris, at CES and SXSW and various networking and promotional events to help FrenchTech startups with their International/US press and investor visibility.

    Organised by APTFI (Association de Promotion des Technologies Françaises à l'International), a French non-profit association that promotes French startups internationally.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

18 May 2015

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