Merak et, teyit et.
Teyit is a fact-checking organization aiming to make critical thinking a shared value for the agents of the information ecosystem. Intending to improve the information ecosystem, in Teyit, we carry out fact-checking and empowerment activities in cooperation with our stakeholders.
In Teyit, we have been analyzing suspicious information on the Internet, conducting educational activities to improve digital literacy and critical thinking skills, contributing to developing sustainable solutions to the misinformation problem by bringing together different actors since 2016.
Teyit is a signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network’s Code of Principles.
Fact-checking, Verification, Digital Media, Social Media, Doğrulama, Dijital Medya, News media, Journalism, Innovation, and Technology
Teyit bilgi ekosistemi aktörlerinde eleştirel düşünme alışkanlığını ortak değer kılmayı amaçlayan bir doğrulama organizasyonudur.
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Impact Hub Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations | Impact Hub Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations | Other 10 Dec 2021 19 Nov 2023 | | |