  • Value proposition

    Data Science Firm utilizing AI, ML, NLP, RPA, and Computer Vision to build custom Data Automation Solutions

    NLP Logix is an advanced analytics and machine learning data product and services company, which has grown from a vision in 2011 to one of the fastest growing teams of deep learning practitioners. NLP Logix is an experienced team of data scientists who are capable of taking large and disparate data sources and returning actionable and valuable information in a fraction of the time compared to traditional techniques.

    The company was started by three professionals who worked together at a medical services company developing and applying predictive models and advanced analytics into its workflows. When the founders started NLP Logix, they began competing in international data science contests hosted by Kaggle.com...and started winning.

    The founders knew that developing algorithms through machine learning was only one piece of the solution, so they began to focus on the practical application of integrating the learned models into a customers’ workflow to deliver the most value at the point where decisions were being made. That business model lives today.

    Predictive Modeling Forecasting Data Visualization
    Sentiment Analysis Neural Networks Behavior Modeling
    Statistical Modeling Optimization Business Analytics

    Machine Learning, Predictive Modeling, Big Data, Tableau, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and RPA

  • AI Consulting Company, Generative AI Applications - NLP Logix

    NLP Logix has a diverse team of Statisticians, Mathematicians, Developers, and ML Engineers delivering amazing automation solutions to our clients.

  • https://nlplogix.com/
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Dysruptek Dysruptek

31 Jul 2023

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