  • Swiss Armed Forces

  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Employees

    Scale: 5001-10000

    Estimated: 6,753

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Schweizer Armee verteidigt

    The Swiss Armed Forces actively promote security and peace in our country. They defend Switzerland, support the civilian authorities in emergencies and provide peace support abroad.

    With more than 9,000 employees, the Swiss Armed Forces are the largest employer within the Federal Administration. They offer a wide range of civilian and military professions and teaching jobs.

    About a third of the employees are civilians from more than 200 professions. The range is impressive: you will find anything from automobile mechatronic to weapon or gun mechanic, from engineer to zoo-keeper.

    Military personnel assumes tasks relating to recruit and cadre training. A high degree of readiness, flexibility and a great sense of responsibility are prerequisites for a profession in uniform.

    An apprenticeship with the Swiss Armed Forces is the ideal introduction to professional life. From the first day on, apprentices are promoted and supervised by specialists. The trainees work in a dynamic environment and are able to continually develop their skills.

    Collaboration in the armed forces is characterised by respect, loyalty and mutual esteem. As collaborator you have a social responsibility – for this you receive a fair wage, are well insured and benefit from the unique, politically coloured environment of the Federal Administration.

    This LinkedIn page is subject to the Swiss Army Netiquette - www.armee.ch/netiquette-en. Contributions that violate these rules will be deleted.

  • Berufe der Schweizer Armee

    Die Schweizer Armee trägt aktiv zu Sicherheit und Frieden in unserem Land bei. Sie verteidigt die Schweiz, unterstützt die zivilen Behörden in Notlagen und leistet Friedensförderung im Ausland. Als Mitarbeiterin oder Mitarbeiter der Armee erwarten Sie fortschrittliche Arbeitsbedingungen, flexible Arbeitsformen und ein attraktives Entlöhnungssystem. Die Schweizer Armee beschäftigt mehr als 9000 Mitarbeitende in verschiedenen militärischen und zivilen Berufen, darunter über 500 Lernende.

  • https://www.vtg.admin.ch/de/berufe
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