  • WIP - Women In Proptech : Immobilier & Tech

    Created in 2022
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] To promote diversity in proptech: Real estate and tech

    Our conviction: "Diversity" đź‘«

    Women in proptech was born from the ultimate conviction that to face social and environmental challenges, women in real estate, tech and investment must have their place around the table for a balance that will constitute the richness and relevance of our solutions.

    Our mission:
    A collective committed to promoting diversity in real estate and technology:

    🚀 Bring out female talents
    🙌 Reduce inequalities in access to financing
    đź’° Make women visible in the media
    🏅Create vocations around real estate and tech professions

    Don't wait any longer, join us

    diversity, Inclusive, Real Estate, and Innovation in real estate

  • Original language

    Pour promouvoir la mixité dans la proptech : L'immobilier et la tech

    Notre conviction : "La mixité" 👫

    Women in proptech est née de l’ultime conviction que pour faire face aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux, les femmes de l’immobilier, la tech et l’investissement doivent avoir leur place autour de la table pour un équilibre qui constituera la richesse et la pertinence de nos solutions.

    Notre mission :
    Un collectif engagé pour promouvoir la mixité dans l'immobilier et la technologie :

    🚀 Faire émerger les talents féminins
    🙌 Réduire les inégalités d'accès au financement
    💰 Rendre les femmes visibles des médias
    🏅Créer des vocations autour des métiers de l'immobilier et tech

    N'attendez plus, rejoignez-nous

    mixité, Inclusif, Immobilier, and Innovation dans l'immobilier

  • Accueil | Le RĂ©seau Women in PropTech

    Women In PropTech France : Rejoins notre collectif de femmes actrices du changement dans la proptech

  • https://www.womeninproptech.fr/
  • Website is disabled or domain is for sale
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Kaufman and Broad Kaufman and Broad
Real Estate

31 May 2023


16 Sep 2023

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