  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] SLOVNAFT Group is an integrated refining and petrochemical group.

    The key company of the group is SLOVNAFT, a.s., which mainly deals with the processing of crude oil in one of the most complex European refineries and the wholesale and retail sale of fuel.

    Slovnaft operates the largest network of gas stations in Slovakia. The company is one of the leaders in Slovakia in the field of CSR and corporate philanthropy, significantly supporting sports, education, youth, communities and revitalization of the environment. Forbes magazine ranked the Slovnaft brand among the most valuable Slovak brands. In the Best Employer 2022 poll, we won second place in the Manufacturing category. The SLOVNAFT Group is a member of the international MOL Group.

    SLOVNAFT Group is an integrated refinery-petrochemical group.

    The key company within the group is SLOVNAFT, a.s. dealing mainly with refining in one of the most complex European refineries and with the wholesale and retail sale of motor fuels.

    Slovnaft operates the largest network of filling stations in Slovakia. The company is a leader in the field of CSR and corporate philanthropy, significantly supporting sport, education, youth, communities and revitalizing the environment. SLOVNAFT Group is a member of the international MOL Group.

    ---- bit.ly/slovnaft-ochrana-osobnych-udajov

    Downstream and Retail

  • Original language

    Skupina SLOVNAFT je integrovanou rafinérsko-petrochemickou skupinou.

    Kľúčovou spoločnosťou skupiny je SLOVNAFT, a.s., ktorá sa zaoberá najmä spracovaním ropy v jednej z najkomplexnejších európskych rafinérií a veľkoobchodným a maloobchodným predajom pohonných hmôt.

    Slovnaft prevádzkuje najväčšiu sieť čerpacích staníc v SR. Spoločnosť patrí na Slovensku k lídrom v oblasti CSR a firemnej filantropie, významne podporuje šport, vzdelávanie, mládež, komunity a revitalizáciu životného prostredia. Magazín Forbes zaradil značku Slovnaft medzi najhodnotnejšie slovenské značky. V ankete Najzamestnávateľ 2022 sme získali druhé miesto v kategórii Výroba. Skupina SLOVNAFT je členom medzinárodnej Skupiny MOL.

    SLOVNAFT Group is an integrated refinery-petrochemical group.

    The key company within the group is SLOVNAFT, a.s. dealing mainly with refining in one of the most complex European refineries and with the wholesale and retail sale of motor fuels.

    Slovnaft operates the largest network of filling stations in Slovakia. The company is a leader in the field of CSR and corporate philanthropy, significantly supporting sport, education, youth, communities and revitalizing of environment. SLOVNAFT Group is a member of international MOL Group.

    ---- bit.ly/slovnaft-ochrana-osobnych-udajov

    Downstream and Retail

  • Slovnaft

    SLOVNAFT, a.s. so sídlom v Bratislave, je rafinérsko-petrochemická spoločnosť s ročným spracovaním 5,5 - 6 miliónov ton ropy. Spoločnosť okrem výroby, skladovania, distribúcie a veľkoobchodného predaja výrobkov z ropy disponuje najväčšou maloobchodnou sieťou v rámci Slovenskej republiky, zameranou na predaj motorových palív a mazív a na poskytovanie širokej škály služieb motoristom.

  • https://slovnaft.sk/sk/
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Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing
Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing

6 Mar 2018

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