  • Acciaierie d'Italia

    Created in 2018
  • Social networks

    2,144 18,410
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Viale Certosa, 239, 20151 Milano MI, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 10001+

    Estimated: 1,268

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Acciaierie d'Italia, the main Italian steel group

    Acciaierie d'Italia is the main Italian steel company. Our guiding principle is to produce sustainable, high-quality steel for use in numerous industries in the Italian steel market and for export around the world.

    long and flat-rolled steel, automotive steel, tubular products, high-strength steel, iron ore mining, coal mining, research and development, industry 4.0, and digital industry

  • Original language

    Benvenuti nella pagina LinkedIn di Acciaierie d'Italia, il principale gruppo siderurgico italiano

    Acciaierie d'Italia è la principale azienda siderurgica italiana. Il nostro principio guida è quello di produrre acciaio sostenibile e di alta qualità da utilizzare in numerose industrie del mercato italiano dell’acciaio e da esportare in tutto il mondo.

    long and flat-rolled steel, automotive steel, tubular products, high-strength steel, iron ore mining, coal mining, research and development, industry 4.0, and digital industry

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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