  • Dierenartsenvereniging Caring Vets

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,585 616
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Sumatrastraat 53C, 1094 LP Amsterdam, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 5

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Veterinarians for Animal Welfare | Veterinarians for Animal Welfare

    As long as people use animals, we have a responsibility for the welfare of these animals. Caring Vets wants to use its expertise and scientific knowledge to optimize animal welfare.

    We advise colleagues, social & political organizations regarding improvements in animal welfare. The topics we focus on are 'Veterinarian & Practice', 'Politics & Legislation' and 'Training & Research'.

    We are part of Caring Movement and work closely with our sister organizations Caring Farmers and Caring Doctors. We jointly organize the Caring Congress every year.

    Caring Vets is an Association of Dutch Veterinarians taking a stand to improve Animal Welfare, based on the Veterinary Code of Conduct. This website is mainly in Dutch, however, we very much welcome our colleagues from abroad to contact us at info@caringvets.nl to unite forces. For statements and articles in English please visit our website.

    Animal Welfare, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Welfare, and Veterinary Medicine

  • Original language

    Dierenartsen voor Dierenwelzijn | Veterinarians for Animal Welfare

    Zolang mensen dieren gebruiken hebben wij een verantwoordelijkheid voor het welzijn van deze dieren. Caring Vets wil haar expertise en wetenschappelijke kennis inzetten om dierenwelzijn te optimaliseren.

    Wij adviseren collega’s, maatschappelijke & politieke organisaties aangaande verbeteringen op het gebied van dierenwelzijn. De onderwerpen waar wij ons op focussen zijn ‘Dierenarts & Praktijk’, ‘Politiek & Wetgeving’ en ‘Opleiding & Onderzoek’.

    Wij zijn onderdeel van Caring Movement en werken nauw samen met onze zusterorganisaties Caring Farmers en Caring Doctors. Gezamenlijk organiseren wij jaarlijks het Caring Congres.

    Caring Vets is an Association of Dutch Veterinarians taking a stand to improve Animal Welfare, based on the Veterinary Code of Conduct. This website is mainly in Dutch, however, we very much welcome our colleagues from abroad to contact us at info@caringvets.nl to unite forces. For statements and articles in English please visit our website.

    Animal Welfare, Veterinary Medicine, Dierenwelzijn, and Diergeneeskunde

  • Caring Vets - Dierenartsen voor Dierenwelzijn

    Een vereniging van dierenartsen die zich primair inzetten voor het welzijn van de dieren. Sluit je aan of steun ons.

  • https://caringvets.nl/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
United Nations
United Nations
International development, International Affairs
United Nations
International development, International Affairs

29 Dec 2017

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