  • CEU Alumni

    Created in 1997
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,799 7,367 7,367
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    C. del Tutor, 35, 28008 Madrid, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 24

  • Engaged corporates

    0 13
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The community of CEU Alumni where you can enjoy training, networking and entrepreneurship. Follow us!

    We are one of the largest alumni groups in Spain, with more than 40,000 members nationally and internationally and with a presence in more than 40 countries around the world.

    We want to continue growing with you, forming a consolidated and globally connected network of professionals, where CEU and its values ​​contribute significantly to transforming society with our values.

    What will you achieve by being part of CEU Alumni? You will be able to expand and strengthen your network of contacts; attend training sessions, seminars, conferences focused on current issues; Sharing and participating in cultural, leisure, sports or volunteering events, as well as promoting continuous training and employability throughout the alumni's professional life, are some of the specific objectives of the association.


    education, training, development, postgraduate, degree, vocational training, education for seniors, business school, research, professional careers, university, schools, primary education, secondary education, and values

  • Original language

    La comunidad de Antiguos Alumnos CEU donde podrás disfrutar formación, networking y emprendimiento. ¡Síguenos!

    Somos uno de los colectivos de antiguos alumnos más numerosos de España, con más de 40.000 miembros en el territorio nacional e internacional y con presencia en más de 40 países del mundo.

    Queremos seguir creciendo contigo, formando una red de profesionales consolidada y conectada globalmente, donde el CEU y sus valores contribuyan de manera importante a transformar la sociedad con nuestros valores.

    ¿Qué conseguirás siendo parte de CEU Alumni? Podrás ampliar y fortalecer tu red de contactos; asistir a jornadas formativas, seminarios, congresos enfocados a temas de actualidad; compartir y participar en jornadas culturales, de ocio, deporte o voluntariado, así como favorecer la formación continua y la empleabilidad a lo largo de la vida profesional del alumni, son algunos de los objetivos concretos de la asociación.


    educación, formación, desarrollo, posgrado, grado, formación profesional, educación para mayores, escuela de negocios, investigación, carreras profesionales, universidad, colegios, educación primaria, educación secundaria, and valores

  • Home - CEU ALUMNI

    Bienvenidos a la página de CEU Alumni, dónde podrás relacionarte con tus antiguos compañeros y acceder a ventajas y servicios exclusivos solo por pertenecer a la agrupación

  • https://www.ceualumni.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Electricals, Information Technology and Services
Electricals, Information Technology and Services

27 Apr 2023

IT services, Software, Software Development
IT services, Software, Software Development

9 Oct 2018

Consulting, audit, Accounting
Consulting, audit, Accounting

8 Apr 2022

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