  • Value proposition

    The commercial arm of The James Hutton Institute, Scotland. Supplying scientific services to a huge range of sectors.

    About Us:
    The James Hutton Institute Scientific Services is a wholly owned commercial subsidiary of The James Hutton Institute. Located in the East of Scotland we undertake plant breeding & licensing, scientific research & consultancy, as well as analytical services for customers worldwide.

    Working with The James Hutton Institute Scientific Services:
    We have world-leading experts and facilities through The James Hutton Institute (JHI), including state-of-the-art analytical equipment, controlled environments as well as fully serviced fields and laboratories. We offer an extensive range of specialist analytical methods for the soil, water, agri-food, and energy sectors.

    The James Hutton Institute Scientific Services work with commercial partners, utilising advances in genetics developed at JHI and access to extensive germplasm collections to breed new varieties of potatoes and soft fruit. Many of these varieties are available through The James Hutton Institute Scientific Services for international licensing. We can undertake field and controlled environment trials too.

    We can help organisations in their transition to net zero through bespoke contract research projects, specifically related to water and land use. With our team of qualified and highly experienced field, research and social scientists and statisticians we offer a professional service both in terms of delivery and quality.

    Accreditations: JHL has ISO17025:2017, GMP accredited laboratories and are a recognised ORETO (Official Recognition of Efficacy Testing [Facilities or] Organisations) testing organisation.

    Request our services:
    To learn more about our services please visit our website: Huttonltd.com
    To discuss your specific requirements please contact us: info@huttonltd.com

    XRPD, Molecular Diagnostics, Inorganic & Soil Analysis, FTIR, Lipid Analysis, Isotope Analysis, SEM, Plant Breeding, BIOSS, Water Research, Eco/Landscape Services, Crop Trialling/Efficacy Testing, Crop Genetics, Pest Management, Land Evaluation & Soils, and Plant Licensing

  • James Hutton Limited Home

    Crop, environmental and analytical science services for a range of industries. Commercial subsidiary of the James Hutton Institute, Scotland.

  • https://www.huttonltd.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Food, Food and Beverage Services
Food, Food and Beverage Services

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UK Research and Innovation
Public business cluster, Government Administration
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Public business cluster, Government Administration

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UK Atomic Energy Authority
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Research, National and local authorities
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