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22 Rue Joubert, 75009 Paris, France
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 68
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76Added in Motherbase
2 years ago[Automatic translation follows] Public mobility
GART works daily alongside the Organizing Authorities to promote the development of public transport and alternative modes to solo driving. Led by elected officials representing the diversity of territories and political sensitivities and led by a dynamic and voluntary permanent team, our association shares the major challenges of sustainable mobility with its members, more than 210 Mobility Organizing Authorities. GART thus continues its tireless work of supporting communities and defends their interests at all levels where public policies are determined.
Sustainable mobility, Public transport, Mobility payment, Parking, Ticketing, Accessibility, Intermodality, Multimodality, Soft mobility, Active mobility, Urban logistics, School transport, Cable transport, TCSP, BHNS, Carpooling, Car sharing, Solidarity pricing, Safety in transport, and Calls for projects
La mobilité en commun
Le GART agit quotidiennement aux côtés des Autorités Organisatrices pour favoriser le développement des transports publics et des modes alternatifs à l’autosolisme. Dirigée par des élus représentant la diversité des territoires et des sensibilités politiques et animée par une équipe permanente dynamique et volontaire, notre association partage les grands enjeux de la mobilité durable avec ses adhérents, plus de 210 Autorités Organisatrices de la Mobilité. Le GART poursuit ainsi son inlassable travail de soutien des collectivités et défend leurs intérêts à tous les niveaux où se déterminent les politiques publiques.
Mobilité durable, Transports publics, Versement mobilité, Stationnement, Billettique, Accessibilité, Intermodalité, Multimodalité, Mobilités douces, Mobilités actives, Logistique urbaine, Transport scolaire, Transport par câble, TCSP, BHNS, Covoiturage, Autopartage, Tarification solidaire, Sûreté dans les transports, and Appels à projets
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
Microsoft IT services, Software Development | Microsoft IT services, Software Development | Other 15 Jun 2023 | | |
Orléans Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Orléans Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 8 Oct 2024 | | |
Le Figaro Media, Newspaper Publishing | Le Figaro Media, Newspaper Publishing | Other 21 May 2022 | | |
Grand Paris Express National and local authorities, Truck Transportation | Grand Paris Express National and local authorities, Truck Transportation | Other 24 Dec 2023 | | |
Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay, Artois Lys Romane Government Administration | Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay, Artois Lys Romane Government Administration | Other 4 Mar 2021 | | |
Toulon Provence Méditerranée Government Administration, French metropolis | Toulon Provence Méditerranée Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 1 Dec 2021 29 Mar 2024 | | |
Saint-Étienne Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Saint-Étienne Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 3 Nov 2023 | | |
Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Government Administration, French metropolis | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 5 Sep 2023 | | |
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 9 Jun 2021 | | |
Bordeaux Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Bordeaux Métropole Government Administration, French metropolis | Other 14 Apr 2021 17 Mar 2024 | | |