  • EuroQol

    Created in 1987
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    Marten Meesweg 107, 3068 AV Rotterdam, Netherlands



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    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 39

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    2 years ago
  • Value proposition

    EQ-5D, helping the world make better health decisions

    EuroQol’s vision is to improve decisions about health and health care throughout the world by developing, promoting and supporting the use of instruments (with the widest possible applicability) for the measurement and valuation of health. EuroQol is a member driven, not-for-profit, organisation that comprises an association and a research foundation.

    The scientific expertise behind EuroQol is the EuroQol Group Association, an international network of multidisciplinary researchers dedicated to the measurement of health. The Group Association is a global network of more than 100 members from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America. The EuroQol Group Association has been holding annual scientific meetings since its inception in 1987.

    The EuroQol Research Foundation: supports, initiates and performs scientific research and development of instruments that describe and value health. The Foundation manages intellectual property rights that include, but are not limited to, EQ-5D. Furthermore, the Foundation funds or co-funds research in the fields related to our Vision and Mission. In the past financial year (2021-22), the EuroQol Research Foundation funded or co-funded more than 110 projects, for a total value of 5,451.793 euros.

    EuroQol is responsible for the development of the EQ-5D, a standardised measure of health status that provides a simple, generic measure of health for clinical and economic appraisal.

    The EQ-5D has evolved over the last 30 years into a family of health status instruments: EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L, and EQ-5D-Y. EQ-5D instruments have been widely used in clinical trials, population studies and in real-world clinical settings. The EQ-5D is used worldwide and has been translated into numerous languages through a closely monitored translation process. EuroQol manages the distribution and licensing of the EQ-5D. After registration, EQ-5D is free of charge for non-commercial use (academic, healthcare, government) of any scale.


    The EuroQol Research Foundation is a Dutch non-profit organisation (ANBI) tasked with making EQ-5D and other EuroQol instruments.

  • https://euroqol.org/
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