  • Exprivia

    Created in 1983
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    805 65,223
  • Entity types

  • Location

    70056 Molfetta, Metropolitan City of Bari, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 2,036

  • Engaged corporates

    0 7
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The Exprivia Group, specialized in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is one of the main players in digital transformation on the national and international market with a team of experts (over 2,400 professionals) in various areas of technology and digitalization: from Artificial Intelligence to Cybersecurity, from Big Data to Cloud, from IoT to BPO, from Mobile to Networking and Collaboration, fully covering the SAP world.

    Exprivia supports its customers in the Banking, Finance & Insurance, Aerospace & Defense, Energy & Utilities, Healthcare and Public Sector, Manufacturing & Distribution, Telco & Media sectors. Exprivia's design capacity is enriched by the structured relationship with a solid network of partners, proprietary solutions, design services, engineering and personalized consultancy.

    Through its research hub, the group aims at technological solutions increasingly inspired by the principles of sustainability, to the benefit of the digital transformation of businesses, organizations and communities. Exprivia is committed to achieving ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) objectives for sustainable growth and strongly believes in the development and value of Innovation. Exprivia is committed to building an inclusive environment that welcomes and enhances the uniqueness of people. The corporate culture is centered on the principles of sharing, collaboration, transparency and talent enhancement.

    The Exprivia Group is present in six countries worldwide (Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Mexico and China) and is present in Italy in Milan, Rome, Trento, Vicenza, Lecce, Matera, Palermo and Molfetta where the HQ is based.

    Internet Of Thing, Mobile, Cloud, SAP, It Security, Business Process Outsourcing, AI, Cybersecurity, Digitalization, Aerospace&Defence, Banking, Energy&Utilities, Telco&Media, Healthcare and Public Sector, Finance&Insurance, and Public Sector

  • Original language

    Il Gruppo Exprivia, specializzato in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), è tra i principali protagonisti della trasformazione digitale sul mercato nazionale e internazionale con un team di esperti (oltre 2400 professionisti) in diversi ambiti della tecnologia e della digitalizzazione: dall’Intelligenza Artificiale alla Cybersecurity, dai Big Data, al Cloud, dall'IoT al BPO, dal Mobile al Networking e alla Collaboration, presidiando interamente il mondo SAP.

    Exprivia supporta i propri clienti nei settori Banking, Finance&Insurance, Aerospace&Defence, Energy&Utilities, Healthcare e Public Sector, Manufacturing&Distribution, Telco&Media. La capacità progettuale di Exprivia è arricchita dalla relazione strutturata con una solida rete di partner, soluzioni proprietarie, servizi di design, ingegneria e consulenza personalizzata.

    Attraverso il proprio hub di ricerca, il gruppo punta a soluzioni tecnologiche sempre più ispirate ai principi della sostenibilità, a beneficio della trasformazione digitale delle imprese, organizzazioni e comunità. Exprivia è impegnata nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) per una crescita sostenibile e crede fortemente nello sviluppo e nel valore dell’Innovazione. Exprivia si impegna a costruire un ambiente inclusivo che accolga e valorizzi le unicità delle persone. La cultura aziendale è incentrata sui principi di condivisione, collaborazione, trasparenza e valorizzazione dei talenti.

    Il Gruppo Exprivia è presente in sei Paesi nel mondo (Italia, Spagna, Germania, Brasile, Messico e Cina) e presente in Italia a Milano, Roma, Trento, Vicenza, Lecce, Matera, Palermo e Molfetta dove è basato l’HQ.

    Internet Of Thing, Mobile, Cloud, SAP, It Security, Business Process Outsourcing, AI, Cybersecurity, Digitalization, Aerospace&Defence, Banking, Energy&Utilities, Telco&Media, Healthcare e Public Sector, Finance&Insurance, and Public Sector

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

26 Mar 2024

Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Tyre manufacturing, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

4 Sep 2021

IT services, Software, Software Development
IT services, Software, Software Development

27 Dec 2021

24 Sep 2024

IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

16 Jul 2019

European Space Agency - ESA
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

31 Mar 2021

Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services

2 Apr 2021

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

21 Oct 2021

Consumer Technology Association
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Technology Association
Trade show, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

29 Jan 2018

IT services, Internet
IT services, Internet

3 Nov 2021

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