  • Value proposition

    Friends of Hank Aaron State Trail is a non-profit dedicated to sustaining, promoting, and enhancing the Trail.

    A World-Class Urban Trail

    The Hank Aaron State Trail is a 14-mile paved continuous east-to-west connection from the shores of Lake Michigan to the Milwaukee/Waukesha county line. Find some of Milwaukee's top destinations along the route as well as a variety of environments ranging from urban, to river views, to prairie and wooded surroundings.

    Learn about the Trail, what you can see along the Trail, and how you can make a difference.

  • Friends of Hank Aaron State Trail

    The Friends of Hank Aaron State Trail is dedicated to sustaining, promoting, and enhancing the Hank Aaron State Trail, a 14-mile trail connecting the shores of Lake Michigan to the Milwaukee/Waukesha county line. Find some of Milwaukee's top destinations along the route as well as a variety of environments ranging from urban, to river views, to prairie and wooded surroundings.

  • https://www.hankaaronstatetrail.org/
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Harley-Davidson Motor Company
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