  • Value proposition

    Real Experts. Real Skills. Real Community.

    Skills Matter is a global community of technologists interacting, sharing knowledge, inspiring and improving each other. It's where software professionals go to get inspired, connect with peers and learn about new technologies; and where tech experts go to share their knowledge, build their personal brands and grow their audiences.

    With 100,000+ members from 126 countries, Skills Matter is one of the world's largest communities of software professionals. These community members connect on our platform and participate in expert-led talks, conferences, meetups and workshops advancing the state of software engineering globally.

    Agile, Software Craftsmanship, BDD, A/TDD, Scala, F#, Clojure, Haskell, Python, Software Architecture, DDD, CQRS, HTML5, JavaScript, NodeJS, Java, JEE & Spring, Neo4J, .NET, NHibernate, NServiceBus, and Training, conferences, talks, hackathons

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