  • Protection Civile de l'Hérault

    Created in 1969
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    3,064 153
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    7 Bd Bertrand Duguesclin, 34500 Béziers, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 4

  • Engaged corporates

    0 11
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Help - Rescue - Train

    Created in 1969, the Civil Protection of Hérault is an association under the 1901 Law, approved by Civil Security (A.A.S.C.). It holds its 4 approvals thanks to its affiliation with the National Federation of Civil Protection (F.N.P.C.). The main missions of our volunteers are:
    - To ensure the provisional rescue systems (D.P.S.): provide the first life-saving actions to the actors or the public in the event of injuries or illnesses,
    - Provide logistical assistance and/or socio-psychological support to the population in the event of crises or natural and technological disasters,
    - Supervise spontaneous volunteers during actions to support the disaster-stricken population,
    - Train citizens in life-saving actions by engaging in risk culture.

    Training, Help to the population, and Provisional rescue system

  • Original language

    Aider - Secourir - Former

    Créée en 1969, la Protection Civile de l'Hérault est une association de Loi 1901, agréée de Sécurité Civile (A.A.S.C.). Elle détient ses 4 agréments grâce à sa filiation à la Fédération Nationale de Protection Civile (F.N.P.C.). Les principales missions de nos bénévoles sont:
    - D'assurer les dispositifs prévisionnels de secours (D.P.S.) : prodiguer les premiers gestes qui sauvent aux acteurs ou au public en cas de blessures ou de malaises,
    - Apporter une aide logistique et/ou un soutien socio-psychologique à la population en cas de crises ou de catastrophes naturelles et technologiques,
    - D'encadrer des bénévoles spontanés lors d'actions de soutien à la population sinistrée,
    - De former les citoyens aux gestes qui sauvent en s'​ engageant dans la culture du risque.

    Formation, Aide à la population, and Dispositif prévisionnel de secours

  • Accueil - Protection Civile de l'Hérault

    Passez le PSC1 dans nos locaux à Montpellier et Béziers. Mise en place de DPS secouristes sur vos évènements - Découvrez la Protection Civile

  • https://www.protection-civile-herault.org/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

26 Jun 2018

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