  • Plaid Cymru

    Created in 1925
  • Social networks

    61,549 769
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Anson Court, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4AL, UK

    Caerdydd - Cardiff

    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 43

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Promoted by / Promoted by Plaid Cymru, Ty Gwynfor, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, CF10 4AL

    Plaid Cymru wants to build a nation that thrives as a result of its own strong and sustainable economy with great schools and first class healthcare. A Wales that can give everyone a better standard of living through hard work, a commitment to equality, fair play and a sense of ambition for families, the community and the nation. Wales at its best.

    Plaid Cymru wants to build a nation that thrives and prospers as a result of its own strong and sustainable economy with excellent schools and first-class healthcare. A Wales that can provide a better standard of living for all through hard work, a commitment to equality, fair play and a sense of ambition for family, for community and for the nation. Wales at its best.


  • Original language

    Hyrwyddwyd gan / Promoted by Plaid Cymru, Ty Gwynfor, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4AL

    Mae Plaid Cymru eisiau llunio cenedl sy'n ffynnu o ganlyniad i'w heconomi cryf a chynnaliadwy ei hun gydag ysgolion gwych a gofal iechyd o'r radd flaenaf. Cymru a all roi gwell safon byw i bawb trwy waith caled, ymrwymiad i gydraddoldeb, chwarae teg ac ymdeimlad o uchelgais i deuluoedd, i gymuned ac i'r genedl. Cymru ar ei gorau.

    Plaid Cymru wants to build a nation that thrives and prospers as a result of its own strong and sustainable economy with excellent schools and first-class healthcare. A Wales that can provide a better standard of living for all through hard work, a commitment to equality, fair play and a sense of ambition for family, for community and for the nation. Wales at its best.


Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Tata Group
Tata Group
Steel , Executive Offices
Tata Group
Steel , Executive Offices

27 Nov 2021

Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse
Government Administration

21 Nov 2021

Ipsos France
Ipsos France
Polling institute, Research Services
Ipsos France
Polling institute, Research Services

10 Dec 2019

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