  • Value proposition

    We bring people and ideas together to tackle the most crucial causes of poverty and inequality.

    Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB Canada) invests in leaders and innovations to create a world free from poverty and inequitable development: a world of dignity and equal opportunity where everyone is able to realize their full potential. We are leading a movement with thousands of passionate members in Canada, as well as staff and volunteers in Canada and in our African partner countries.

    Systems thinking is at the core of our approach. Many existing systems—economic, political, and social—reinforce cycles of poverty and prevent people from realizing their full potential. Over the past 15 years, we have learned that using appropriate technology alone does not address the root causes of poverty. That is why we focus on innovations that affect larger systems to address poverty’s underlying causes. We support bold ideas that positively transform the way people, organizations, and governments behave.

    This systems thinking approach has led us to invest in systemic innovations and Systems Change Leadership as a means for creating lasting change. Innovation and leadership are mutually reinforcing aspects of creating change: every investment in innovation provides more people with opportunities to lead, and every investment in leadership gives people more tools to develop innovations that will have social impact.

    See current career opportunities at www.ewb.ca/careers

    Systems Change Leadership, Social Enterprise, Educational Workshops, Leadership development, Water and Sanitation, International Development, Small and Growing Business, Engineering Leadership, Admitting Failure, and Adaptable Public Services

  • Engineers Without Borders Canada

    EWB Canada is a Canadian international development nonprofit that seeks to address the crucial causes of poverty and inequality.

  • http://www.ewb.ca/en/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
United Nations Academic Impact
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs

20 Nov 2020

Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
International development, International Affairs
Sahel and West Africa Club/Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
International development, International Affairs

11 Feb 2016

Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

29 Dec 2013

UK Atomic Energy Authority
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities

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