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Pl. de las Cigarreras, 1, 20012 San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain
San Sebastián
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 98
Engaged corporates
2Added in Motherbase
3 years, 1 month ago[Automatic translation follows] International Center of Contemporary Culture - Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea (Donostia / San Sebastián)
After being a tobacco factory for ninety years, in 2015 Tabakalera opened its doors again, becoming an international center of contemporary culture that unites and inspires various organizations and projects.
The main areas of activity are cinema and audio-visual, contemporary art and creative and cultural industries, especially design and creative gastronomy. The center, however, also hosts activities related to music, fashion, performing arts and many other fields.
Promoting creative processes is the center's main engine. For this purpose, it offers support and resources to creators from a wide range of disciplines. It is also a laboratory for the cross-fertilization of ideas and projects, a center for building bridges between creators and industry, a place for the joint development of the entire cultural system.
After 90 years as a tobacco factory, in 2015 Tabakalera reopened its doors converted into an International Center of Contemporary Culture that welcomes and inspires different cultural projects and institutions.
Tabakalera's main areas of action are cinema and audiovisual, contemporary art, and the creative and cultural industries; especially design and creative gastronomy. But it also hosts other activities related to music, fashion, performing arts, etc.
Giving impetus to the creative processes is the main engine of the center. For this, it offers support and resources to creators and creators of diverse disciplines. It is also a laboratory for the cross-fertilization of ideas and projects, where bridges are created between creators and industry, thus contributing to the development of the cultural system as a whole.
Kultura Garaikidearen Nazioarteko Zentroa - Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea (Donostia / San Sebastián)
Laurogeita hamar urtez tabako fabrika izan ostean, 2015. urtean Tabakalerak berriz zabaldu zituen ateak hainbat erakunde eta proiektu batu eta inspiratzen dituen kultura garaikidearen nazioarteko zentro bilakatuta.
Jarduketa esparru nagusiak zinema eta ikus-entzunezkoak, arte garaikidea eta industria sortzaile nahiz kulturalak, bereziki, diseinua eta gastronomia sortzailea dira. Zentroak, baina, musikarekin, modarekin, arte performatiboekin eta beste hainbat esparrurekin erlazionaturiko jarduerak ere hartzen ditu.
Sorkuntza prozesuak sustatzea da zentroaren motor nagusia. Horretarako laguntza eta baliabideak eskaintzen dizkie askotariko diziplinatako sortzaileei. Ideiak eta proiektuak modu gurutzatuan ernaltzeko laborategi bat ere bada, sortzaileen eta industriaren arteko zubiak eraikitzeko zentro bat, sistema kultural osoa modu bateratuan garatzeko lekua.
Tras 90 años siendo fábrica de tabacos, en 2015 Tabakalera reabrió sus puertas reconvertida en un Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea que acoge e inspira a distintos proyectos e instituciones culturales.
Los principales ámbitos de actuación de Tabakalera son el cine y audiovisual, el arte contemporáneo, y las industrias creativas y culturales; especialmente el diseño y la gastronomía creativa. Pero también acoge otras actividades relacionadas con la música, la moda, las artes performativas, etc.
Dar impulso a los procesos de creación es el motor principal del centro. Para ello, ofrece apoyo y recursos a creadoras y creadores de diversas disciplinas. Es también un laboratorio para la fertilización cruzada de ideas y proyectos, donde se generan puentes entre creadores e industria, contribuyendo así al desarrollo del sistema cultural en su conjunto.
Donostian, Tabakalerak kultura garaikidea sustatzen du, jarduera aulkera zabala eskainiz, baita haurrentzako ere: erakusketak, zinea, artea...
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