  • Mercer Union, a centre for contemporary art

    Created in 1979
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,646 190
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    1286 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6H 1N9, Canada



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 5

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Mercer Union is a non-profit, artist-run centre dedicated to commissioning and producing new works of contemporary art, and providing an engaging program that encourages critical inquiry and conversation. We champion ambitious exhibitions that empower diverse Canadian and international artists in formative and established stages of their practice.

    Contemporary Art, Artist-Run Centre, Artist-Driven Organization, Gallery, Not-for-profit, and Charity

  • Mercer Union

    Mercer Union is a non-profit, artist-run centre dedicated to commissioning and producing new works of contemporary art, and providing an engaging program that encourages critical inquiry and conversation. We champion ambitious exhibitions that empower diverse Canadian and international artists in formative and established stages of their practice.

  • https://www.mercerunion.org/
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