  • Value proposition

    NEST4US is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to providing volunteer solutions to make the world better through kindness!

    NEST4US is a 501(c)3 nonprofit formed as a philanthropic platform built upon kindness, generosity, and social good. Our mission is to make the world better through kindness by mobilizing volunteers worldwide to advance progress on societal issues and spark equitable solutions for the greater good. Through our five core programs, we tackle over 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and a plethora of societal issues including global hunger, climate change, quality education, poverty, mental health, equity, and more. What started as just two sisters with a simple goal of helping those in need has now become a global movement of over 7,500 volunteers of all demographics who altogether have contributed over 4.5 million dollars in value of volunteer hours, impacting tens of thousands in 30+ countries across 6 continents.

    Management Team:
    Shreyaa Venkat, a 21-year-old senior at Georgetown University, and Esha Venkat, a 18-year-old freshman at Georgia Tech, are the founders of NEST4US.

    At NEST4US, we not only supply essential resources such as nutritious meals, blessing bags containing toiletries & PPE, & academic materials, but also societal awareness through interactive workshops, & social media engagement to spur words into action. Most importantly, we foster a sense of community fueled by love & compassion, by providing an overarching support system for each & every individual we come across. This dual approach of awareness and action enables us to fulfill our vision of empowering people of all demographics to create a more inclusive world, for everyone everywhere.

    Kindness, Service, Altruism, Philanthropy, Nonprofit, GlobalHunger, ClimateAction, Sustainability, ZeroWaste, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, YouthEmpowerment, WomenEmpowerment, Inclusion, Generosity, Charity, QualityEducation, Equity, SDGS, Volunteer, GiveBack, and Make A Difference

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consulting, audit, Accounting
Consulting, audit, Accounting

15 Nov 2023

United Nations Academic Impact
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs

5 Feb 2024

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