  • Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies

    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    1,238 738
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  • Location

    London, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 10

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  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    An international research and consultancy network that promotes futures literacy with a focus on marginalized peoples.

    The Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies (CPPFS) is an international research and consultancy network that promotes futures literacy with a particular focus on marginalized peoples and Muslim societies. CPPFS works with communities, charities, foundations, and research, educational, and art institutions to foster critical inquiry, action learning, and an ethical imagination for shaping decolonized, alternative, and preferred futures. CPPFS has pioneered the theory and methodology of Postnormal Times (PNT): an era in which old orthodoxies are dying, new ones are emerging, and very few things seem to make sense. PNT is a product of the forces shaping our globalized, networked world: accelerating change, uncertainty, and ignorance. Negotiating PNT requires new forward-looking pathways based on a critical understanding of complexity, transcending contradictions, and the ever-present potential for chaos. PNT requires working with a diversity of perspectives and shared values, which take us beyond dialogues to polylogues — creative spaces for learning and unlearning. Ultimately, CPPFS’s works to promote an understanding of, and exploring new means of navigating, Postnormal Times.

    Futures Studies, Postnormal Times, Public Policy, Security Studies, Political Science, Community Development, Strategic Foresight, Scenario Development & Planning, Futures Images, and Visioning

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Civic and Social Organizations
Civic and Social Organizations

15 Nov 2017

 EU Green Capital
EU Green Capital
European Union, Environmental Services
EU Green Capital
European Union, Environmental Services

25 Mar 2016

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