  • LightMeUp - Innovation Studio

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    143 773 40 1,818
  • Entity types

  • Location

    2 Rue de Franche Comté, 75003 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3


  • Engaged corporates

    1 13
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Accelerate, Grow, Thrive

    If you need to go faster, jump an obstacle, accelerate change, communicate better, sell more, pivot, then let's talk.

    Our reason for being is undoubtedly to support entrepreneurs. And one thing led to another, innovation, transition and change projects also motivated us.

    Our value proposition is simple: we accelerate your projects, your projects and your developments. We help you get back in touch with your strategy.

    How do we do this? Most of the time through workshops and creative intelligence sessions, using Design Thinking, methods imported from Silicon Valley and often also different versions of Design Sprint.

    For entrepreneurs and startup-founders, we also offer tailor-made support, from ideation to fundraising, from tech to market... always in "accelerator" mode!

    Get in touch!

    Innovation, Start-up, advisory, strategy, branding, storytelling, consulting, advertising, communication, marketing, lean method, acceleration, lab, studio, prospective, future, and tech

  • Original language

    Accelerate, Grow, Thrive

    Si vous avez besoin d’aller plus vite, de sauter un obstacle, d’accélérer le changement, de mieux communiquer, de vendre plus, de pivoter, alors parlons-nous.

    Notre raison d’être est sans aucun doute d’accompagner les entrepreneurs. Et de fil en aiguille, les projets d’innovation et de transition et de changement nous ont aussi motivés.

    Notre proposition de valeur est simple : nous accélérons vos projets, vos chantiers et vos developpements. Nous vous aidons à reprendre contact avec votre stratégie.

    Comment nous faisons cela ? La plupart du temps par le biais de workshops et de sessions d’intelligence créative, en usant du Design Thinking, des méthodes importées de la Silicon Valley et souvent aussi de différentes versions de Design Sprint.

    Pour les entrepreneurs et startup-founders, nous proposons aussi des accompagnements sur mesure, de l’idéation à la levée de fonds, de la tech au marché... toujours en « mode » accélérateur !

    Get in touch!

    Innovation, Start-up, advisory, strategy, branding, storytelling, consulting, advertising, communication, marketing, lean method, acceleration, lab, studio, prospective, future, and tech

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

29 Sep 2016

Décideurs Magazine
Décideurs Magazine
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Décideurs Magazine
Media, Newspaper Publishing

29 Sep 2016

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

30 Sep 2023

La French Tech Grand Paris
La French Tech Grand Paris
French Tech, IT Services and IT Consulting
La French Tech Grand Paris
French Tech, IT Services and IT Consulting

9 Jul 2020

22 Jul 2022

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