  • Société de législation comparée

    Created in 1869
  • Social networks

    938 900
  • Entity types

  • Location

    28 Rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 17

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Association recognized as being of public utility founded in 1869

    The Comparative Legislation Society is a recognized public interest association founded in 1869. Its mission is to promote and develop the study of comparative law in France and around the world. To this end, it organizes symposia, conferences and international meetings on the most diverse legal issues, considered from a comparative perspective. She runs a publishing house specializing in comparative law.


    The Comparative Law Society is an association of public interest for the promotion and development of comparative law in France and all over the World. Our association regularly organizes lectures on various subjects related to comparative law and publishes numerous books on various subjects.

    The Comparative Current Society is an association of public interests for the promotion and development of comparative current events in France and around the world. Our association regularly organizes conferences on various topics related to the latest comparison and publication of numerous books on various topics.

    A direct association is an association of public interest for promotion and participation in a direct comparison in France and around the world. Our association regularly organizes palestras with varying numbers as related to the comparison and publication of numbers delivered with varying numbers of assuntos.

    The Comparative Legislative Society is an association of public interest in the promotion and sviluppo of the comparative government in France and the World. Our organization's legal association is legally binding on various terms and conditions.

    Comparative law, International law, Conference and event organization, European law, American law, OHADA law, Russian law, Latin American law, Asian law, Legal research, Publication, Business law, and Arbitration

  • Original language

    Association reconnue d'utilité publique fondée en 1869

    La Société de législation comparée est une association reconnue d'intérêt public fondée en 1869. Elle a pour mission de promouvoir et de développer l'étude du droit comparé en France et dans le Monde. À cette fin, elle organise des colloques, conférences et rencontres internationales sur les problématiques juridiques les plus diverses, envisagées suivant une perspective comparatiste. Elle anime une maison d'édition spécialisée en droit comparé.


    The Comparative Law Society is an association of public interest for the promotion and development of comparative law in France and all over the World. Our association regularly organizes lectures on various subjects related to comparative law and publishes numerous books on various subjects.

    La Sociedad de derecho comparado es una asociación de interés público para la promoción y el desarrollo del derecho comparado en Francia y en el mundo. Nuestra asociación organiza regularmente conferencias sobre diversos temas relacionados con el derecho comparado y publica numerosos libros sobre diversos temas.

    A associaçõ do direito comparado é uma associação de interesse público para a promoção e desenvolvimento do direito comparado na França e no mundo. Nossa associação organiza regularmente palestras sobre vários assuntos relacionados ao direito comparado e publica numerosos livros sobre vários assuntos.

    La Società di legislazione comparata è un'associazione di interesse pubblico per la promozione e lo sviluppo del diritto comparato in Francia e nel Mondo. La nostra associazione organizza regolarmente lezioni su vari argomenti legati al diritto comparato e pubblica numerosi libri su vari argomenti.

    Droit comparé, Droit international, Organisation conférence, événementiel, Droit européen, Droit américain, Droit OHADA, Droit russe, Droit Amérique latine, Droit asiatique, Recherche juridique, Publication, Droit des affaires, and Arbitrage

  • Site Web de la Société de Legislation Comparée

    Association reconnue d’utilité publique, fondée en 1869, la Société de législation comparée regroupe des universitaires, magistrats, avocats, notaires et juristes d’entreprises, français et étrangers.

  • https://www.legiscompare.fr/web/
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