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Bordeaux Métropole Bordeaux Métropole

1 métropole au service de ses 28 communes et de ses 815 000 habitants. Bordeaux Métropole (formerly the Urban Community of Bordeaux), is the intercommunal structure gathering the city of Bordeaux (France) and some of its suburbs.

Sectors: French metropolis

963 844 89

[Automatic translation follows] A MEDIA TO CHANGE TIMES. A magazine, a site, a community to change times What if the crisis was an opportunity to reinvent the models of the 20th century? Since 2012, WE DEMAIN has been watching for technological, economic, energy, medical, food and artistic initiatives that are changing the world. And are putting the individual a little more at the heart of the system every day. With the support of a network of journalists, experts, scientists and entrepreneurs, WE DEMAIN has established itself as the marker of a change of time that is as complex as it …

319 171 132
Atlantech Atlantech

[Automatic translation follows] Low carbon urban initiatives ATLANTECH: The low-carbon technology park dedicated to the energy transition where you can: Live, Learn & Undertake; A real space for the Validation of Acquired Experience in the energy transition. The La Rochelle Urban Community seized the opportunity of the handover of a military site in the commune of Lagord, bordering La Rochelle, to create a vast economic development zone, specializing in the energy transition in urban areas, building and rehabilitation. This logic of specialization touches on the challenges of the Sustainable City and covers a wide field of skills and expertise around …

91 23 64
ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Support our actions by joining: Innovation at the service of transitions! Informing, connecting and supporting businesses and regions to generate lasting positive impacts is our mission of general interest in the service of the regional economy! Support our actions by joining:

591 282 320
ATIS - Association Territoires et Innovation Sociale ATIS - Association Territoires et Innovation Sociale

[Automatic translation follows] Catalyst for social innovation in New Aquitaine ATIS - Association Territoires et Innovation Sociale supports the emergence and development of social enterprises in New Aquitaine. Created in 2010, at the initiative of social entrepreneurs, local authorities and players in the social and solidarity economy, it enabled the creation of 83 new socially useful activities, or nearly 258 jobs. Social entrepreneurship, Business creation support, Social innovation, and Social and solidarity economy

92 57 49
Odéys Odéys

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable Construction and Development Cluster in New Aquitaine 🏗🌱 Let's innovate together to build our future! Odéys is an accelerator to stimulate research and innovation in companies in the sustainable construction and development sector. The cluster brings together and manages a regional network of companies, research organizations, communities and contractors. It supports the emergence of innovative projects, facilitates the search for partners and financing, and disseminates feedback. #Construction #BTP #Sustainable #Cluster #Business #B2B #Innovation #Development #Ecoconstruction Construction, Sustainable construction, Sustainable development, and Support for innovative projects

Sectors: Construction

202 77 84
ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of #ANRU - The National Agency for Urban Renewal acts for priority neighborhoods 🚧🚦🏗️ The ANRU acts in favor of neighborhoods in difficulty within the framework of city policy. The ANRU intervenes in the city, housing, development and town planning, in order to reduce inequalities in the suburbs or run-down centers and to strengthen social diversity. ANRU also implements Future Investment Programs for youth, sustainable development, innovation and private real estate investment in priority neighborhoods of city policy. Urban renewal today means: 500 neighborhoods, 70 billion in investment, 5 million inhabitants and 300,000 jobs created …

Sectors: Social Housing

541 290 247
AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Association of social housing organizations in Ile-de-France AORIF - the Social Union for Housing in Ile-de-France is the professional association of Hlm organizations. It plays both a role of professional support for its members and representation at the regional, departmental and intercommunal level. She is in charge of the regional and territorial implementation of major national priorities, represents organizations in the various decision-making and reflection bodies and defends the interests of the profession with institutional, political and financial partners. AORIF brings together around a hundred social housing organizations working in Ile-de-France and belonging to one of the …

Sectors: Social Housing

138 67 85
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF stands alongside mayors and intercommunal presidents to respect local freedoms. A force of proposal and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and intercommunity presidents, respecting the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete support and permanent to elected officials in daily management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The history of the AMF …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

977 805 20
Linkcity Linkcity

[Automatic translation follows] Linkcity brings together the real estate development subsidiaries of Bouygues Construction. In France, Linkcity sold in 2020 nearly 3,300 family homes and studios in managed residences, 14,500 m2 of offices and 27,000 m2 of shops, warehouses and equipment. Multi-products, Housing, Specialized residences, Offices, Shops, Collective facilities, Hospitality, Business premises, and Urban Projects

Sectors: Real Estate

565 216 412
Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, in solidarity and for a long time. FOPH account >5 M people housed, 2.3 M housing units, 201 members. The National Federation of Public Housing Offices is the national professional organization which brings together 187 members, including 178 OPH and 9 SEM. These HLM organizations have a real estate portfolio of 2.4 million housing units and accommodate nearly 5 million people, or 8% of households in France. It also brings together groups of organizations in the form of coordination companies (it has 22 SC associate members). Established in all territories - metropolises, medium-sized towns, towns …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

131 68 62
Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm

[Automatic translation follows] Social access, social rental, management of solidarity trustee: the cooperative solution for housing! The Coop'Hlm brings together 165 Hlm coop'​s present throughout France. They are specialists in secure social access to property but also intervene in social rental, development and condominium trusteeship. Anchored in the social economy, the Coop'Hlm innovate daily to facilitate access to affordable housing. A founding member of the Union sociale pour l'habitat, the Federation is administered by a federal council of 32 members and relies on a team of 12 employees. social housing, real estate, real estate development, participatory housing, real estate management, …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

223 65 99

[Automatic translation follows] With a portfolio of nearly 100,000 homes which combines social, intermediate or rent-free housing and thematic residences, ICF Habitat houses no less than 210,000 people and meets the diverse needs of households while supporting residential trajectories. Present on a national scale, particularly in large urban centers, the Group works to implement the housing policies of the State, local authorities and SNCF, its shareholder, whose HR policy it supports by offering a housing offer to its employees (30% of our tenants are employees or retirees of SNCF). Multiplying synergies with players in the housing chain, ICF Habitat acts …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

247 100 154
Groupe Polylogis Groupe Polylogis

[Automatic translation follows] Global housing operator in France. The Polylogis Group, a global housing operator, is organized to respond appropriately to the needs of communities and its tenant customers. Manager of a portfolio of more than 146,000 housing units and present in nearly 500 municipalities, the Polylogis Group brings together, through its subsidiaries, all the skills necessary to develop the city, design and renew its neighborhoods in all their residential dimensions. The diversity of our businesses: - Social housing - Specific and inclusive residences - Home ownership - Development - Management of co-ownerships and property administration Our 5 major challenges: …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

384 118 156
Vilogia Vilogia

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable building, affordable housing, supportive support. The Vilogia Group is a global housing real estate group, which brings together the professions of social and private landlord, 1% Housing collector and developer. Vilogia owns and manages a rental portfolio of more than 85,000 housing units on the national territory and builds more than 2,000 housing units per year. Social landlord, Social housing rental, Social access, Project management (construction and rehabilitation), and Urban development

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

488 190 361
1001 Vies Habitat 1001 Vies Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] It all starts at home. 1001 Vies Habitat is a leading player in social real estate in France, recognized expertise thanks to its 1,284 employees, a partner committed to regional dynamics. Our mission: to house and support the 225,000 people who live in the 90,000 homes that we manage. We are present in Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Nouvelle-Aquitaine through our various subsidiaries and departments*. Since the launch of its business project in 2016, the group has been transformed with one objective: to anticipate the social housing of tomorrow. Do you want to give meaning to your …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

148 77 78
CDC Habitat CDC Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate subsidiary serving the general interest of Caisse des Dépôts A general interest real estate subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts, the CDC Habitat group is one of the major players in housing in France with more than 545,000 homes managed A global real estate operator, CDC Habitat supports public actors in the implementation of housing policies. Thanks to its diversified and extensive offering, it provides them with innovative and sustainable responses, creating diversity and social cohesion: rental management across the entire housing supply (very social, social, intermediate and free, hostels and residences ), ownership, project management …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

554 352 206
Action Logement Action Logement

[Automatic translation follows] Action Logement facilitates access to housing for employees to promote employment throughout France. #WANTTODO The Union of Companies and Employees for Housing (UESL) is a limited company with variable capital with a Supervisory Board and Management Board whose main purpose is to represent the common interests of its associates and to implement national housing policies. use of Action Logement funds. Its partners are, on an obligatory basis, each collecting body (CIL) and each Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) approved for the purposes of collecting and using PEEC funds, at the request, any inter-professional and representative organization …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

930 629 223
Insee Insee

[Automatic translation follows] INSEE collects, produces, analyzes and disseminates information on the French economy and society The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) collects information and produces statistics on the French economy, population and society. It carries out the population census every year and makes all its data available to the public free of charge. INSEE publishes studies and carries out surveys of households and businesses. It is also responsible for managing large directories: Sirene (used for business identification), the National Directory for the Identification of Natural Persons and the General Voters File. Economic and social statistics, Population …

Sectors: Polling institute

511 455 48
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councilors, a permanent commission and sectoral commissions. Business, Professional training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Land use planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

2255 1713 498

[Automatic translation follows] The Ecological Transition Agency! ADEME in brief The Ecological Transition Agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It makes its expertise and advisory capabilities available to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, material savings raw materials, air quality, the fight against noise, the transition to the circular economy and the fight …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4399 3899 175

[Automatic translation follows] GRDF, main gas distributor in France GRDF is the main operator of the natural gas distribution network in France. Our job is to design, build, operate, maintain and develop this network. These infrastructures measure nearly 200,000 km and are the longest natural gas network in Europe: 5 times around the Earth. This network, a key element of the energy transition, also meets the need for the development of biomethane, Natural Vehicle Gas and Power-to-Gas. Our 12,000 employees work in 9,500 municipalities to allow 11 million homes and businesses in France to benefit from access to our network. …

Sectors: Energy

1057 854 95