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eBay eBay

We connect people and build communities to create economic opportunity for all. At eBay, we create pathways to connect millions of sellers and buyers in more than 190 markets around the world. Our technology empowers our customers, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive — no matter who they are or where they are in the world. And the ripple effect of our work creates waves of change for our customers, our company, our communities and our planet. e-commerce, retail, internet, and technology

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

2522 1797 228
Amazon Amazon

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. We are driven by the excitement of building technologies, inventing products, and providing services that change lives. We embrace new ways of doing things, make decisions quickly, and are not afraid to fail. We have the scope and capabilities of a large company, and the spirit and heart of a small one. Together, Amazonians research and develop new technologies from Amazon Web Services to Alexa on behalf of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the …

Sectors: Consumer Electronics IT services

13608 10932 499
Nasdaq Nasdaq

At Nasdaq, our purpose is to advance economic progress for all. At Nasdaq, our purpose is to advance economic progress for all. We power stronger economies, create more equitable opportunities, and contribute to a more sustainable world to help our communities, clients, employees, and people of all backgrounds reach their full potential. Meet the #NasdaqFam and learn about our purpose, culture and careers here: Technology Solutions, Financial Markets, Global Trading, Equities, Market Technology, Market Services, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Corporate Solutions, Global Index Services, Listing Services, and Nasdaq MarketSite

Sectors: Finance

4235 3266 699