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Indeed Indeed

We Help People Get Jobs More people find jobs on Indeed than anywhere else. Indeed is the #1 job site in the world (Comscore, Total Visits, September 2022) and allows job seekers to search millions of jobs in more than 60 countries and 28 languages. Over 3 million employers use Indeed to find and hire new employees. More than 350 million unique visitors use Indeed each month to search for jobs, post resumes, research companies and more. For more information, visit **Indeed Internal Data, average monthly unique visitors April–September 2022 Jobs, Job Search, Online Recruiting, Pay-per-performance recruitment advertising network, …

Sectors: Human ressources

1786 1162 322
Lever Lever

Offering talent leaders the reach of a marketing leader, forecast of a sales leader, and insight of a finance leader. Lever is a leading Talent Acquisition Suite that makes it easy for talent teams to reach their hiring goals and to connect companies with top talent. Lever is the only platform that provides all talent acquisition leaders with complete ATS and robust CRM capabilities in one product, LeverTRM. The Lever Hire and Lever Nurture features allow leaders to scale and grow their people pipeline, build authentic and long-lasting relationships, and source the right people to hire. Lever Analytics provides customized …

Sectors: Consumer Goods Food

4072 2770 303

We bring out the best in every business. At SAP, our purpose is to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. Our promise is to innovate to help our customers run at their best. SAP is committed to helping every customer become a best-run business. We engineer solutions to fuel innovation, foster equality, and spread opportunity across borders and cultures. Together, with our customers and partners, we can transform industries, grow economies, lift up societies, and sustain our environment. SAP privacy statement for followers: ERP, Financials, Business Intelligence, Procurement, HCM, SCM, business, planning, efficiency, sustainability, innovation, analytics, …

Tags: DAX30 Sectors: IT services Software

6748 4210 1359
Cisco Cisco

We securely connect everything to make anything possible. Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) enables people to make powerful connections--whether in business, education, philanthropy, or creativity. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create the Internet solutions that make networks possible--providing easy access to information anywhere, at any time. Cisco was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University. Since the company's inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies. Today, with more than 71,000 employees worldwide, this tradition of innovation continues with industry-leading products and solutions in the …

Sectors: IT services

5529 3760 336