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La French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon La French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon

Un collectif au service des startups de Lyon et de Saint-Étienne. L’association French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon favorise la création, la croissance et l'internationalisation des entreprises innovantes de Lyon et de Saint-Étienne startup, scaleup, innovation, and French Tech

Sectors: French Tech

724 259 552
French Proptech French Proptech

[Automatic translation follows] The French Proptech and Constructech movement. French PropTech is a movement that brings together tech and innovation players who seek to reinvent the city, a city centered on people and uses. A city where it is good to live, work and have fun. A city where you feel "good". Our conviction is that digital technology will make it possible to imagine a city by and for users while meeting the challenges of an increasingly complex city: vertical development / constant change in uses / heterogeneous communities / environmental impacts. Yes, the innovations represented within French Proptech are …

Sectors: French Tech NGO, Think Tank Real Estate

346 192 228
La French Tech La French Tech

La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de start-up françaises, soutenu par la Mission French Tech. 🇫🇷 La French Tech est la marque déployée par l’Etat français qui représente l’écosystème de 25 000 start-up français et de tous les acteurs qui gravitent autour (fonds d’investissement, associations, acteurs publiques, etc.), soutenu par la Mission French Tech (administration rattachée à la Direction Générale des Entreprises, au sein du ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique). Elle a pour mission d’accompagner le développement de l’écosystème French Tech, mouvement français des start-up technologiques innovantes, dans la lignée …

Sectors: Media

3749 2198 1574
Estimeo Estimeo

[Automatic translation follows] Valuation of startups and VSEs/SMEs - UGAP Rating - Support for fundraising and Sale/Acquisition Estimeo is a platform for information, rating and valuation of startups and VSEs/SMEs. Estimeo, through a hybrid method combining algorithms and human intelligence, analyzes risks, rates and values ​​startups. The rating and valuation reports taking into account intangible assets are then distributed via a platform where all the players in the innovation ecosystem connect. The ratings allow innovators to get to know each other better, analyze the progress of their projects and consequently connect with investors, incubators and business partners. Estimeo's mission, as …

Sectors: Consulting

1028 101 969
Bpifrance Bpifrance

[Automatic translation follows] Account of Bpifrance, the Public Investment Bank. Bpifrance, a public investment bank, supports companies from seed to stock market listing, from credit to equity. A privileged contact, Bpifrance offers financing or investment solutions in each region that are adapted to each stage of a company's life. A partner bank for entrepreneurs, Bpifrance provides them with long-term support to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the country, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, Business Creation, International Development, Investment, Creation/Transmission, Innovation, Support, Acceleration, and Export Guarantee

Sectors: Bank

11894 9004 1573