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Ministère de la Culture Ministère de la Culture

[Automatic translation follows] Follow news from the Ministry of Culture The mission of the Ministry of Culture and Communication is to make the capital works of humanity, and first of all of France, accessible to as many people as possible. As such, it leads the policy of safeguarding, protecting and promoting cultural heritage in all its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and the spirit and the development of artistic practices and teachings. . He contributes, jointly with other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education for children and young adults throughout their training …

1072 823 101
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence

[Automatic translation follows] The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis is unique. Created by the MAPTAM law, it brings together 92 municipalities spread over three departments. It brings together agricultural, urban and industrial spaces on the same territory. Attractive and dynamic, the Metropolis exercises the major strategic skills which determine the development of the territory in all its dimensions: economic, social and cultural development and planning, planning of the metropolitan area, local housing policy, city policy, management of services of collective interest, protection and development of the environment and living environment policy. To support its development and projects, the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis is looking for …

Sectors: French metropolis

1637 1288 201
P.Factory P.Factory

[Automatic translation follows] Great Tribe of Startups in the Southern Region 🚀 Our program? Turnover, financing, benefits & networks 💪 P.Factory helps startups 🚀 in the PACA Region 🌞 grow by providing them with turnover, financing and benefits... thanks to its large network! What are you waiting for to join our beautiful Tribe? :) Startup accelerator, startup support, Startup Conference, and fundraising

40 12 32
Construction21 - France Construction21 - France

[Automatic translation follows] The information and meeting network for professionals in the sustainable construction and city sector The first European portal for construction and sustainable development professionals, Construction 21 is an open collaborative platform, available to French players to make their know-how and actions visible in France and Europe. This tool of general interest thus contributes to the dissemination of best practices in construction and sustainable development. Funded by the European Union and actively supported by France GBC, Construction21 is available in 7 languages ​​(French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Lithuanian and Romanian). All concerned!!! Whether you are Architects, Project Owners, …

Sectors: Construction Media

577 191 437
BFM Business BFM Business

[Automatic translation follows] First economic and financial information channel in France. BFM Business TV is the leading economic and financial news channel in France. It is distinguished by programming centered on the search for expertise. Programs on economic news have established themselves as economic news events. “Good Morning Business” for example, offers on its guest set the latest innovations, editorials and information on underlying trends. BFM Business TV is also available live on our website as well as on an application dedicated to it. Tech, Stock Market, Economy, Real Estate, Business, Automobile, and High-Tech

Sectors: Media

4414 3833 541

[Automatic translation follows] With a portfolio of nearly 100,000 homes which combines social, intermediate or rent-free housing and thematic residences, ICF Habitat houses no less than 210,000 people and meets the diverse needs of households while supporting residential trajectories. Present on a national scale, particularly in large urban centers, the Group works to implement the housing policies of the State, local authorities and SNCF, its shareholder, whose HR policy it supports by offering a housing offer to its employees (30% of our tenants are employees or retirees of SNCF). Multiplying synergies with players in the housing chain, ICF Habitat acts …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

246 99 154
Groupe Habitat en Région Groupe Habitat en Région

[Automatic translation follows] Social real estate operator of the Caisses d’Epargne and Groupe BPCE. Created in 2010, Groupe Habitat en Région is the social real estate operator of the Caisses d’Epargne and Groupe BPCE. A major player in social housing in France, the group now represents 20 companies, 241,000 managed housing units for 478,000 people housed and has 3,300 employees. Every day, within the group, the efforts of all employees are focused on a major objective: contributing to social cohesion in each of the territories. In exchanges with communities, elected officials and partners, the group develops projects, actions and systems …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

106 41 60
CDC Habitat CDC Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate subsidiary serving the general interest of Caisse des Dépôts A general interest real estate subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts, the CDC Habitat group is one of the major players in housing in France with more than 545,000 homes managed A global real estate operator, CDC Habitat supports public actors in the implementation of housing policies. Thanks to its diversified and extensive offering, it provides them with innovative and sustainable responses, creating diversity and social cohesion: rental management across the entire housing supply (very social, social, intermediate and free, hostels and residences ), ownership, project management …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

554 352 206
Action Logement Action Logement

[Automatic translation follows] Action Logement facilitates access to housing for employees to promote employment throughout France. #WANTTODO The Union of Companies and Employees for Housing (UESL) is a limited company with variable capital with a Supervisory Board and Management Board whose main purpose is to represent the common interests of its associates and to implement national housing policies. use of Action Logement funds. Its partners are, on an obligatory basis, each collecting body (CIL) and each Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) approved for the purposes of collecting and using PEEC funds, at the request, any inter-professional and representative organization …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

922 623 223
Le Journal des Entreprises Le Journal des Entreprises

[Automatic translation follows] The regional economy The Business Journal is... - the first national network of regional economic newspapers, present in the heart of major French economic metropolises with editions spread across 9 regions - daily newsletters - special issues and company rankings - B2B events with Le Journal des Entreprises - Events: Subscription contact Azur number: 0810 500 301 Managing Director, Publication Director: Bruno Dussourt Editorial director: Philippe Flamand Sales and Development Director: Valérie Asti Strategy and diversification director: Emmanuelle Bouron 🔔 If you don't want to miss any of the posts on this page, follow us! Print …

Sectors: Media

1100 555 513

[Automatic translation follows] The Ecological Transition Agency! ADEME in brief The Ecological Transition Agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It makes its expertise and advisory capabilities available to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, material savings raw materials, air quality, the fight against noise, the transition to the circular economy and the fight …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4390 3890 175
La French Tech La French Tech

La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de start-up françaises, soutenu par la Mission French Tech. 🇫🇷 La French Tech est la marque déployée par l’Etat français qui représente l’écosystème de 25 000 start-up français et de tous les acteurs qui gravitent autour (fonds d’investissement, associations, acteurs publiques, etc.), soutenu par la Mission French Tech (administration rattachée à la Direction Générale des Entreprises, au sein du ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique). Elle a pour mission d’accompagner le développement de l’écosystème French Tech, mouvement français des start-up technologiques innovantes, dans la lignée …

Sectors: Media

3188 2014 1224

[Automatic translation follows] A Lorraine company founded in 1861, demathieu bard is one of the main independent French players in the Construction sector. Demathieu bard has the skills required to meet the demands of its public or private clients, whether in terms of engineering structures, industrial equipment, functional structures, public facilities, or housing. building, infrastructure and civil engineering, real estate, nuclear, and concrete prefabrication

Sectors: Construction Real Estate

437 280 128