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Paris Habitat Paris Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Living together in the city Paris Habitat, a major player in social housing in Paris (125,000 homes in Paris and the inner suburbs / 2,800 employees), recruits and supports social housing professionals in the fields of proximity, support functions, project management and social affairs. Team coordination, tenant relations, asset management, optimizing quality of service, equipment maintenance... all essential skills to build a relationship of trust with tenants and contribute to "living better together". Our professions: - proximity: Rental management officer, Management unit manager/Managers, Agency technical referent, Caretakers - support functions: Finance, Human Resources, IT, Logistics... - project …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

389 261 132
Elogie-Siemp Elogie-Siemp

[Automatic translation follows] #bailleursocialparis #habitatsocial #constructionlogementsocial #rehabilitationlogementsocial #logementsocial #qualibail Elogie-Siemp, bailleur social de la Ville de Paris, constructs, réhabilite et gère 30,000 logements à Paris et en banlieue. His ambition: respond to the objectives of the City in terms of the production of social housing and the improvement of service rendered to tenants, the fight for ecological transition and adaptation to climate change. Gestion locative and Maîtrise d'ouvrage

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

245 82 187