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Silicon Luxembourg Silicon Luxembourg

🚀 Luxembourg’s most influential tech media 🚀 Luxembourg's premier tech media Startups, News, Tech, Digital, Innovation, Events, Luxembourg, BtoB, Magazine, and Print

140 88 78
BeAngels BeAngels

We connect brilliant entrepreneurs with experienced investors 🚀 With over 23 years of experience and more than 470 active members, BeAngels has built one of the largest European networks of business angels. Through several investment plans, the network supports future Belgian and European start-ups at different stages of development and helps investors with varied profiles in terms of time and wealth availability to invest in the real economy. To date, 72 million euros has been invested in nearly 426 startups. Early stage Entrepreneurs financing and coaching, Business Angels training, Deal making, startup, businessangel, funding, money, leveedefonds, entrepreneurs, investisseurs, preseed, seed, …

82 42 0
Luxinnovation GIE Luxinnovation GIE

Luxinnovation is Luxembourg’s innovation agency. It encourages and supports companies to innovate and to grow. Luxinnovation contributes to the economic development of Luxembourg by fostering innovation, fuelling international growth and attracting foreign direct investment. We are a key and trusted partner for those who are interested in – and committed to – launching successful innovative activities in Luxembourg, from entrepreneurs and managers of start-up companies to foreign enterprises and investors. Luxinnovation’s mission is to strengthen national business through innovation and to promote Luxembourg business abroad (import-export). This we do by focussing on impact and generating real client value. We offer …

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