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Broca Living Lab Broca Living Lab

Technological & psychosocial research to improve the health and social inclusion of senior citizens The Broca Living Lab, located within the Broca Hospital (AP-HP) in Paris (France), has been studying and contributing to the development and evaluation of new technologies that promote health, autonomy and social inclusion of older persons for more than 10 years. santé, living lab, innovation, maladie d'Alzheimer, études cliniques, robotique, qualité de vie, éthique, ergonomie cognitive, stimulation cognitive, dispositifs technologiques, autonomie, aidants, and gérontechnologies

75 11 69
Territoire de sciences Territoire de sciences

[Automatic translation follows] CSTI Grenoble Alpes diffusion EPCC Created in 1979, the CCSTI Grenoble works to make scientific and technical culture accessible to as many people as possible and to encourage the general public to get involved in debates linked to science/society issues (nanotechnologies, digital society, biotechnologies, etc.). ). In a dynamic local context where scientific research, university teaching, industries and technological innovation coexist, the CCSTI Grenoble collaborates with all stakeholders in scientific culture to propose and lead actions or projects for all audiences. Science & Society, Arts and sciences, Fab Lab, Participatory workshops, and Digital

195 85 82
Linksium Linksium

Detecting promising #deeptech and fostering the creation of #startups with Grenoble Alpes IP inside . Linksium, Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologies (SATT) de Grenoble Alpes détecte projets prometteurs issus de la recherche publique, finance et accompagne la création de startups #deeptech. Detecting promising technologies, funding and fostering the creation of deeptech #startups in the French Alps area. Technology transfert, Startups building, deeptech, venture capital, Research & development , and R&D

Tags: SATT Network

255 87 163
Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG) Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG)

[Automatic translation follows] Open up the space of possibilities Created in 2015, the Grenoble University Space Center (CSUG) aims to make space accessible to all by joining the NewSpace movement. It brings together stakeholders from research, industry and training by involving them in the construction of nanosatellites offering real scientific, economic and societal benefits. Around innovative and technological missions with identified scientific opportunities, the CSUG deploys an original pedagogy at the University and trains students from the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP in the space field through project-based learning. The space center is positioned around five essential values …

26 10 15
Festival Transfo Festival Transfo

[Automatic translation follows] The 100% Alpine Digital Festival returns from November 16 to 18, 2021. The Transfo festival TRANSFO, A FESTIVAL TO DECRYPT THE WORLD ____________________________________________ Slowly, digital technology is settling into our lives, transforming our habits, changing our daily lives: cooking, traveling, studying, finding a soul mate, working... Digital technology is never far away. Transfo has one ambition: to help understand these changes, so that everyone gets the best out of them, so that no one is forgotten. Thirst for the future? Welcome to Transform. TRANSFO, A FESTIVAL FOR ALL AUDIENCE! ____________________________________________ Transfo is a festival designed for young …

101 51 44