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Business Sweden Business Sweden

We help Swedish companies grow global sales & international companies invest and expand in Sweden We help Swedish companies grow global sales & international companies invest and expand in Sweden. For Swedish companies, we provide strategic advice, sales execution and operational support to help them grow their international revenues. They can trust us to shorten time to market, find new revenue streams, and lower risks. We have achieved our expertise by being present in the world's 50 most promising markets for over 40 years, at the scene, helping to close the deal. For international companies we ensure that they can …

218 158 69
Vinnova Vinnova

Sveriges innovationsmyndighet - vi öppnar upp för innovation som gör skillnad Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency. Our mission is to promote sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation, as well as funding needs-driven research. Vinnova’s vision is for Sweden to be a world-leading country in research and innovation, an attractive place in which to invest and conduct business. We promote collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector. We do this by stimulating a greater use of research, by making long-term investment in strong research and innovation milieus and by developing catalytic meeting places. Vinnova’s activities also …

315 232 104
PariSanté Campus PariSanté Campus

[Automatic translation follows] ParisSanté Campus, here grows digital health! PariSanté Campus aims to create a coherent and synergistic set of public and private operators, with the ambition of structuring a digital health research and innovation sector with global reach. This group will aim to be established on the site of the former Val-de-Grâce army training hospital, and to create a network of Ile-de-France, national and international partnerships. The whole will be financed by unprecedented investments from the recovery plan, and will be intended to be a major vector for creating medical-scientific, but also economic, value. Based on a complete chain …

298 149 117