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Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] Acting for the health of all The Regional Health Agency is the point of contact for health professionals and the medico-social sector, state services, local authorities, elected officials, management organizations, users and their representatives. It dialogues with all territories and its actions are carried out with respect for the rights of users and in consultation with health democracy authorities. care provision, medico-social provision, public health, and health democracy

146 94 10
Académie de Reims Académie de Reims

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Reims academy, Grand Est academic region. The academy rector carries out missions relating to the content and organization of educational action and represents the Minister of National Education and Youth within the academy and the departments which constitute it: Ardennes, Aube , Marne and Haute-Marne.

52 30 15
Gouvernement Gouvernement

The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players !

1681 1086 514
Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games prepares and implements Government policy relating to actions in favor of youth, the promotion and organization of physical and sporting activities, the development of community life and development of popular education. It also coordinates actions carried out in these areas when they fall under several ministerial departments. The Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games is responsible for defining the major objectives of the national sports policy, establishing the legal framework, in particular through the sports code, and ensuring respect for the interests general. …

596 495 61
Ministère délégué chargé de l’Égalité femmes/hommes et de la Lutte contre les discriminations Ministère délégué chargé de l’Égalité femmes/hommes et de la Lutte contre les discriminations

[Automatic translation follows] Ministry responsible for Equality between women and men and Fight against discrimination Women's rights, Gender equality, and Professional equality

211 165 32
Ministère de la Culture Ministère de la Culture

[Automatic translation follows] Follow news from the Ministry of Culture The mission of the Ministry of Culture and Communication is to make the capital works of humanity, and first of all of France, accessible to as many people as possible. As such, it leads the policy of safeguarding, protecting and promoting cultural heritage in all its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and the spirit and the development of artistic practices and teachings. . He contributes, jointly with other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education for children and young adults throughout their training …

1038 795 101
Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the page of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty Within the Ministry, more than 135,000 agents today put their talent at the service of a strong and sustainable economy in the region and in Paris. User service, legal affairs, economic development, performance management... more than 160 professions are carried out in the Bercy administrations. The diversity of these sectors of activity makes it possible to build rich career paths adapted to each person’s profiles. How to reach Bercy services? Each year, the ministry recruits 5,000 women and men. Numerous competitions of …

2052 1459 549
Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-mer Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-mer

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Security, National Police, National Gendarmerie, Territorial Administration, Prefecture, Sub-prefecture, Territorial Communities, Civil Security, Firefighters, Immigration, Asylum, and Road Safety

850 647 160
ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine ANRU - Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of #ANRU - The National Agency for Urban Renewal acts for priority neighborhoods 🚧🚦🏗️ The ANRU acts in favor of neighborhoods in difficulty within the framework of city policy. The ANRU intervenes in the city, housing, development and town planning, in order to reduce inequalities in the suburbs or run-down centers and to strengthen social diversity. ANRU also implements Future Investment Programs for youth, sustainable development, innovation and private real estate investment in priority neighborhoods of city policy. Urban renewal today means: 500 neighborhoods, 70 billion in investment, 5 million inhabitants and 300,000 jobs created …

Sectors: Social Housing

536 286 247
Région Grand Est Région Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] The strength of a whole! Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est Region is at your side and at your service. Priorities → #Employment #Digital #Youth #Territories #Mobility #Europe Find us on Also follow the news on our social networks: - Twitter: @regiongrandest - Facebook: @regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local community

Sectors: National and local authorities

1424 1137 175
Ministère de la Justice Ministère de la Justice

[Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • He prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • He takes care of the populations entrusted to him by decision of the judicial authority: minors who are delinquent or in danger and adults placed under the custody of the justice system; • It defines the main orientations …

Sectors: National and local authorities

476 361 113
Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Public establishment of the state, financier of projects to preserve the #quality of water in the #Seine basin. The Seine-Normandie water agency implements the basin's water policy by financing the projects of local stakeholders: local authorities, industrialists, artisan farmers or associations, thanks to fees collected from all users. These projects help improve the quality of water resources, rivers and aquatic environments. They preserve and promote the life cycles of a wide variety of species and therefore biodiversity. Adaptation to climate change is the common thread of the 2019-2024 “Water and Climate” program, developed and adopted by the …

Sectors: Environment

230 172 34

Creating Cycles. For Life. 💧♻️ SUEZ is the trusted partner for circular solutions in #water and #waste #CreatingCyclesForLife

Sectors: Environment

2605 1369 1088
Ministère du Travail Ministère du Travail

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Full Employment and Integration The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity prepares and implements Government policy in the areas of work, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of workplace accidents and professional diseases. Employment, Vocational training, Labor law, Occupational health, Training, Social dialogue, and Union representation

830 712 53

Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

2944 2408 256
Technopole de l'Aube en Champagne Technopole de l'Aube en Champagne

[Automatic translation follows] Start-up incubator / accelerator - Totem place specializing in innovation engineering. Created in Troyes in 1998 under the impetus of the General Council of Aube, the Technopole de l’Aube en Champagne is today a major tool in the economic and technological development of Aube. A member of the RETIS and EBN networks, the Technopole de l’Aube en Champagne aims to promote innovation engineering by detecting, evaluating and selecting innovative projects in order to assist, support and monitor the bearers and entrepreneurs in their approach to creating and developing a business.

239 80 193
European Parliament European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only EU body directly elected by citizens. #UseYourVote on 6-9 June → Privacy statement: The European Parliament is the elected body of the European Union. The Parliament consists of 705 members elected by the people of the EU member states. The Members work in close unison with the Commission and the Council in shaping the laws and policies of the EU. Voting at the European elections is your opportunity to decide what the European Union should focus on over the next five years. Sign up to get voting reminders and ensure you don't …

Sectors: European Union

3803 2928 300