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Plug and Play Tech Center Plug and Play Tech Center

We make innovation open to anyone, anywhere. Plug and Play is the ultimate innovation platform. Our mission is to build the world’s leading innovation platform and make innovation open to anyone, anywhere. We do this by connecting entrepreneurs, corporations, and investors worldwide. Over the past 15 years, we have brought together 35,000+ startups, 500+ world-leading corporations, and hundreds of venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies across 20+ industries. We are active in 50+ locations globally, including the U.S., China, France, Germany, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, and more. Together with our partners, we are creating a unique ecosystem designed …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

2204 1316 407

Opening up a world of opportunity for our customers, investors, ourselves and the planet. We're a financial services organisation that serves more than 40 million customers, ranging from individual savers and investors to some of the world’s biggest companies and governments. Our network covers 63 countries and territories, and we’re here to use our unique expertise, capabilities, breadth and perspectives to open up a world of opportunity for our customers. HSBC is listed on the London, Hong Kong, New York, and Bermuda stock exchanges. To view our social media terms and conditions please visit the following webpage: Banking, Financial …

Sectors: Bank

3386 1987 296