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Verena Ringler: AGORA European Green Deal Verena Ringler: AGORA European Green Deal

Building alliances for the green transition. With our non-profit AGORA European Green Deal, a brand by European Commons. Verena Ringler = Helmut Schmidt Fellow 2022! This allows us to foster alliances for the green transition. We design special projects for leaders of regions, public institutions, enterprises, and civil society. We do this at the diplomacy-society nexus. We work with a small core team at our headquarters in Innsbruck and with large project-specific international teams. Verena Ringler is a European strategy expert who delivers on the triangle of innovation, content, and outreach. For three years, she worked as Deputy Head of …

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European Parliament European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only EU body directly elected by citizens. #UseYourVote on 6-9 June → Privacy statement: The European Parliament is the elected body of the European Union. The Parliament consists of 705 members elected by the people of the EU member states. The Members work in close unison with the Commission and the Council in shaping the laws and policies of the EU. Voting at the European elections is your opportunity to decide what the European Union should focus on over the next five years. Sign up to get voting reminders and ensure you don't …

Sectors: European Union

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