
    Created in 2012
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  • Location

    5 Rue Schiller, 67000 Strasbourg, France



  • Engaged entities

    54 125
  • Added in Motherbase

    12 Feb 2021, 5:32 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    La recherche publique a mille talents. Profitez-en pour innover ! Welcome :) #tech #deeptech #innovation #eastoffrance

    Trait d’union entre la recherche publique alsacienne et les entreprises, la SATT Conectus conduit les inventions qui naissent au cœur des laboratoires jusqu’au marché. Elle protège leurs découvertes, finance et accompagne les projets prometteurs jusqu’à leur adoption par les industriels et/ou investisseur, en portant le risque technologique et financier. Conectus est également opérateur pour le compte de la majorité de ses actionnaires de la mise en œuvre des partenariats Chercheurs / Entreprises.


    SATT* Conectus Alsace is the main entry point for business partners and companies to access all the innovations and capabilities from public research in Alsace, one of the top ranked territories for the excellence of research in France. It borders Germany and Switzerland at the intersection of the most innovative areas of Europe. Thanks to its investment fund (up to 500k€ per innovative project), SATT Conectus offers advanced, applicative technologies whose proof of concept has been established, and ready to industrialise. Therefore investors will have access groundbreaking startups built around those breakthrough yet matured technologies. Another type of collaboration allows companies to co-develop high potential innovative projects with public research, in order to tailor them to their specific needs.

    research, licencing, patenting, market research, Tech transfer, collaborative research, R&D, Health, Medtech, Chemistry, engineering sciences, Computer sciences, transportation tech, Proof of concept, ecotechnologies, TTO, and innovation

  • Original language

    La recherche publique a mille talents. Profitez-en pour innover ! Welcome :) #tech #deeptech #innovation #eastoffrance

    Trait d’union entre la recherche publique alsacienne et les entreprises, la SATT Conectus conduit les inventions qui naissent au cœur des laboratoires jusqu’au marché. Elle protège leurs découvertes, finance et accompagne les projets prometteurs jusqu’à leur adoption par les industriels et/ou investisseur, en portant le risque technologique et financier. Conectus est également opérateur pour le compte de la majorité de ses actionnaires de la mise en œuvre des partenariats Chercheurs / Entreprises.


    SATT* Conectus Alsace is the main entry point for business partners and companies to access all the innovations and capabilities from public research in Alsace, one of the top ranked territories for the excellence of research in France. It borders Germany and Switzerland at the intersection of the most innovative areas of Europe. Thanks to its investment fund (up to 500k€ per innovative project), SATT Conectus offers advanced, applicative technologies whose proof of concept has been established, and ready to industrialise. Therefore investors will have access groundbreaking startups built around those breakthrough yet matured technologies. Another type of collaboration allows companies to co-develop high potential innovative projects with public research, in order to tailor them to their specific needs.

  • SATT Conectus I Transfert de technologies et collaborations public-privé de recherche alsaciens

    SATT Conectus I Transfert de technologies et collaborations public-privé de recherche alsaciens

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Information Services

7 Jul 2020

Alsace Tech Alsace Tech
edtech, Education Administration Programs

4 Dec 2018

21 May 2024

Les Echos Les Echos
Writing and Editing

8 Apr 2024

France Universités France Universités
Higher Education, edtech

19 Nov 2018

Research Services

27 Apr 2024

AFSSI Sciences de la Vie AFSSI Sciences de la Vie
Consulting, Civic and Social Organizations

11 Jun 2019

22 Jun 2023

Journal L'Alsace Journal L'Alsace
Newspaper Publishing

30 Nov 2017

InSpace Institute InSpace Institute
spacetech, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

5 Sep 2018

News Tank Education News Tank Education
Higher Education

31 Jan 2018

BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est) BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est)
IT Services and IT Consulting

30 Oct 2019

22 Nov 2023
