  • Value proposition

    We invest in great entrepreneurs. We support outstanding companies.

    AVP (AXA Venture Partners) is a global venture capital firm specializing in high-growth, technology- enabled companies, managing more than $2 billion in assets across four investment strategies: Venture, Growth, Late Stage and Fund of Funds. Since its establishment in 2016, AVP has invested in more than 60 technology companies in Venture and Growth stages in the US and Europe.

    With offices in New York, London, and Paris, AVP supports companies in expanding internationally and provides portfolio companies with tailored business development opportunities to further accelerate their growth.

    AVP value proposition:

    - Strong domain expertise in our focus sectors
    - Global presence, ability to help companies scale internationally
    - AVP provides access to business development opportunities with AXA and any other relevant corporates helping portfolio companies to scale and accelerate their growth

    AVP Values:
    - We strive for excellence
    - We get things done
    - We are in this together
    - We say things as they are
    - We build long term relationships
    - We act with humility

    Insurtech, Fintech , Digital Health , Enterprise softwre, and Consumer

  • Original language

    We invest in great entrepreneurs. We support outstanding companies.

    AVP (AXA Venture Partners) is a global venture capital firm specializing in high-growth, technology- enabled companies, managing more than $2 billion in assets across four investment strategies: Venture, Growth, Late Stage and Fund of Funds. Since its establishment in 2016, AVP has invested in more than 60 technology companies in Venture and Growth stages in the US and Europe.

    With offices in New York, London, and Paris, AVP supports companies in expanding internationally and provides portfolio companies with tailored business development opportunities to further accelerate their growth.

    AVP value proposition:

    - Strong domain expertise in our focus sectors
    - Global presence, ability to help companies scale internationally
    - AVP provides access to business development opportunities with AXA and any other relevant corporates helping portfolio companies to scale and accelerate their growth

    AVP Values:
    - We strive for excellence
    - We get things done
    - We are in this together
    - We say things as they are
    - We build long term relationships
    - We act with humility

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Kargo Kargo
martech, Advertising Services

18 Oct 2023

Modjo Modjo
IT Services, Software Development

25 Oct 2023

OroraTech OroraTech
spacetech, Software Development

25 Oct 2023

Collective[i] Collective[i]
IT Services, Software Development

14 Dec 2023

Synapse Medicine Synapse Medicine
healthtech, IT Services, Hospitals and Health Care

25 Oct 2023

AdExchanger AdExchanger
Advertising Services

18 Oct 2023

Owkin Owkin
biotech, deeptech, healthtech, Biotechnology Research

25 Oct 2023

Frenchfounders Frenchfounders
entrepreneurship, International Affairs

25 Oct 2023

Tikehau Capital Tikehau Capital
fintech, Financial Services, proptech

25 Oct 2023

Andreessen Horowitz Andreessen Horowitz
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

15 Sep 2023
