  • Le Lab Santé Ile-de-France

    Created in 2016
  • Social networks

    112 1,952 3,754
  • Sectors

  • Location

    29 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France



  • Engaged entities

    35 19
  • Added in Motherbase

    29 Apr 2019, 3:39 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Territory of innovations

    The Ile-de-France Health Lab supports innovation in health: it is an intermediation structure between the providers of innovative solutions and their future users, between the players in care, research and education, and the economic sector. Its objective is to accelerate the identification and marketing of the most useful innovative solutions.
    As an association, the Ile-de-France Health Lab was created on the initiative of the ARS Ile-de-France, by the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Medicen competitiveness cluster. Paris Region.

    health innovation, intermediation, medico-economic evaluation, organizational impact, public-private partnership, call for expressions of interest, ambulatory care, health pathways, expression of needs, and Ehealth

  • Original language

    Territoire d'innovations

    Le Lab Santé Île-de-France soutient l’innovation en santé : c'est une structure d’intermédiation entre les offreurs de solutions innovantes et leurs futurs utilisateurs, entre les acteurs du soin, de la recherche et de l’enseignement, et la filière économique. Il a pour objectif d'accélérer le repérage et la mise sur le marché des solutions innovantes les plus utiles.
    De type associatif, le Lab Santé Ile-de-France a été créé à l'initiative de l'ARS Ile-de-France, par la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Paris Ile-de-France et le pôle de compétitivité Medicen Paris Region.

    innovation en santé, intermédiation, évaluation médico-économique, impact organisationnel, Partenariat public-privé, appel à manifestation d'intérêt, ambulatoire, parcours de santé, Expression des besoins, and Esanté

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Pheal Pheal
deeptech, healthtech, Wellness and Fitness Services
Not capitalistic

7 May 2020

Care Insight Care Insight
consulting, govtech, Business Consulting and Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

6 Dec 2017

Hublo Hublo
hrtech, healthtech, Software Development
Not capitalistic
Not event

27 Jan 2020

TeraLab TeraLab
it services, Research Services

13 Dec 2016

Alrena Technologies Alrena Technologies
deeptech, healthtech, Hospitals and Health Care
Not capitalistic

6 Dec 2019
